Awesome was a web service that let you generate an RSS feed from your Twitter user timeline, or from a Twitter search. It doesn't work any more since Twitter changed their filtering setup. The code here works from the commandline if you desparately need RSS feeds. Or use mastodon - that has RSS feeds built in.
It did this by connecting to Twitter on the web and screenscraping the data, rather than by using the Twitter API.
You can install by following the instructions in the file.
The main reason for doing so is that the caching limits (one query every 45 minutes) is proving restrictive.
The most easiest way to use is just to clone this git-repository, build and run the image in docker:
git clone <this repo>
cp example.env .env
vi .env
docker-compose up -d --build
You can see a bunch of blog posts on Charlie Harvey's site. They mostly deal with me being increasingly freaked out about the amount of traffic that is turning up.
The code for is released under the GNU GPL licence version 2 (See the LICENSE file) and is copyright of the contributors — Charlie Harvey and Daniel Perelman at time of writing.
The website content is released under CC-BY-SA — Charlie Harvey and James Lu at time of writing.