

The CiaoPP Program Processor

CiaoPP is a program processor framework for Ciao. CiaoPP performs a number of program debugging, analysis, and source-to-source transformation tasks:

The information generated by analysis and the assertions in the specifications are all written in the same assertion language, which is in turn also used by the Ciao system documentation generator, lpdoc.

This repository contains the generic preprocessor framework together with some basic analyses, transformations, and language support. Other features (including support for a variety of programming languages) are distributed as separate bundles.

CiaoPP is distributed under the GNU general public license.


By default, Ciao will detect and build CiaoPP during system compilation. In order to customize the default configuration options, please refer to the Ciao installation instructions.

It is possible to do a separate build and install of CiaoPP with the following command:

$ ciao get ciaopp