Fast Protein Structure Comparison through Effective Representation Learning with Contrastive Graph Neural Networks
GraSR is implemented with Python3, so a Python3 (>=3.6) interpreter is required.
At first, download the source code of GraSR from GitHub:
$ git clone
Then, we recommend you to use a virtual environment, such as virtualenv, to install the dependencies of GraSR. If virtualenv is not available in your OS, try to install it as following:
$ pip3 install virtualenv
Then, create and activate the virtual environment as following:
# Higher python version is permitted
$ virtualenv gsr_env -p python3.6
$ source gsr_env/bin/activate
Then, install the dependencies as following:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
When you want to quit the virtual environment, just:
$ deactivate
Generate descriptors for query structures
If you only want to generate descriptors for query structures, you can run the command as following:
$ python -m saved_models -q example -o result
where '-m saved_models' means the directory path of models is './saved_models', '-q example' means the directory path of query structures is './example' and '-o result' means the output directory path is './result'.
The format of descriptor file is .pkl. you can check it in python3 as following:
$ python3
>>> import pickle
>>> with open("result/query_descriptors.pkl", "rb") as qd_file:
... d = pickle.load(qd_file)
... print(d)
'd' is a dictionary. Its keys are filenames of query structures and corresponding values are descriptors (Numpy.ndarray).
Structure retrieval from a database
If you want to retrieve structural neighbors of the query structures, you can run the command as following:
$ python -r -m saved_models -q example -k descriptors/scope_207_id40.pkl -o result
where '-r' means retrieval mode and '-k descriptors/scope_207_id40.pkl' means the file path of database is './descriptors/scope_207_id40.pkl'. An example of retrieval result is shown below:
Top-10 structural neighbors
sid Length-scaling cosine distance
d1ca4a1.ent 0.33015
d1lb6a_.ent 0.33941
d3ivva1.ent 0.36020
d2edma1.ent 0.38801
d4ca1a_.ent 0.38843
d2ed6a1.ent 0.42102
d2g1da1.ent 0.43577
d1qhva_.ent 0.43767
d5gv0a1.ent 0.44182
d4akma_.ent 0.44263
where 'sid' denotes the sid of the structural neighbors in the SCOPe and 'Length-scaling cosine distance' denotes the distance between the query structure and structural neighbors.
Code License
The code of GraSR is under GPLv3.0.
The is modified from MoCo/, which is under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. The details can be referred from MoCo_LICENSE.
Model Parameters License
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /> The GraSR parameters are made availabe under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
Online service
We also provide online retrieval service here. Our website follows a 'filter and refine' paradigm, which means it can provide more accurate result.