

Example-based Colorization via Dense Encoding Pyramids


Example-based Colorization via Dense Encoding Pyramids, Chufeng Xiao, Chu Han, Zhuming Zhang, Jing Qin, Tien-Tsin Wong, Guoqiang Han, Shengfeng He, Computer Graphics Forum, 2019.


Getting Started

Compile Caffe

Note: If you don't need to train this model (only test it), you can skip step 1 and 2 below and directly compile the original version of caffe, i.e., you don't have to copy and paste the files mentioned in step 1 and 2.

  1. copy two files softmax_cross_entropy_loss_layer.cpp and softmax_cross_entropy_loss_layer.cu under the folder ./resources into <your caffe path>/caffe/src/caffe/layers/

  2. copy the file softmax_cross_entropy_loss_layer.hpp under the folder ./resources into <your caffe path>/caffe/include/caffe/layers

  3. Note that you also need to compile pycaffe and add it into your PYTHONPATH:

    vi ~/.bashrc
    # add the two lines into the file
    PYTHONPATH=<you caffe path>/caffe/python:$PYTHONPATH
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<you caffe path>/caffe/build/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    # save and update the environment
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. compile and test caffe:

    # execute under the root directory of caffe
    make clean # clean the files complied before
    make all
    make test

Add Interface Files into Settings

In order to use the interface files for caffe layer, you need to add the path of the folder ./resources

vi ~/.bashrc

# add this line
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/<DEPN path>/resources

# save and update the environment
source ~/.bashrc

Download the Models of DEPN

There are two models you need to download for testing or training. DEPN_init.caffemodel saves the first-level parameters of DEPN, while DEPN_sub.caffemodel provides the shared parameters used by the second level and over. For convenient connection, we provide both of OneDrive and Google Drive links for downloading. Please put the two models under the file folder ./models.

Test and Generate Colorful Images

You can choose any image as a reference for the grayscale image, even a palette. Just simply execute test.py :

python test.py -gray <gray_dir> -refer <refer_dir> -output <output_dir>

# Example
python test.py -gray ./test_img/gray/1.jpg -refer ./test_img/refer/1.jpg -output ./test_img/result/1.png

Please make sure the size of the grayscale image is at least 64*64. If you want to test the image with smaller size or want to adjust the first-level input size of DEPN, you should change the value of init_levelin test.py to the size you desire. And then create a new file DEPN_deploy_<size>.prototxt:

The procedures of changing the input size of the second level and over are similar to these.


Prepare Dataset

You need to transform the dataset of images into LMDB files, which can be used for training through caffe.

Edit Network Prototxt

After getting the LMDB files, you should edit the network prototxt, like ./models/train/DEPN_64.prototxt and ./models/train/DEPN_128.prototxt, to place the path of your LMDB files as the value of source.

If you want to change the input size of DEPN while training, you also can change the sizes of the images in LMDBs and correspondingly replace the value of crop_size.

layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "Data"
  top: "data"
  include {    phase: TRAIN  }
  transform_param {
   mirror: true
   crop_size: 64
  data_param {
    source: "" # [[REPLACE WITH YOUR PATH]]
    batch_size: 5
    backend: LMDB

layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "Data"
  top: "data"
  include {    phase: TEST  }
  transform_param {
   mirror: true
   crop_size: 64
  data_param {
    source: "" # [[REPLACE WITH YOUR PATH]]
    batch_size: 1
    backend: LMDB

Edit Training Prototxt

Before starting training, please change the net position, i.e., the path of network prototxts, in the file ./models/train/solver.prototxt.

Start Training

Execute sh ./models/train/train_DEPN.sh to start training. You maybe need to change the caffe position to match that in your machine. And if you want to train the network based on our models, you can set ./models/DEPN_init.caffemodel or ./models/DEPN_sub.caffemodel as a pre-trained model.

<Your install path>/caffe/build/tools/caffe train -solver ./models/train/solver.prototxt -gpu 0 -weights ./models/DEPN_init.caffemodel


Part of the code is based on Colorful Image Colorization.