

Chromewhip - Google Chrome™ as a web service

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Chrome browser as an HTTP service with an splash compatible HTTP API

Chromewhip is an easily deployable service that runs headless Chrome process wrapped with an HTTP API. Inspired by the splash project, we aim to provide a drop-in replacement for the splash service by adhering to their documented API.

It is currently in early alpha and still being heavily developed. Please use the issue tracker to track the progress towards beta. For now, the required milestone can be summarised as implementing the entire Splash API.

How to use as a service

One can simply deploy as a Docker container and use the API that is served on port 8080.

docker run --init -it --rm --shm-size=1024m -p= --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \

Refer to the HTTP API reference at the bottom of the README for what features are available.

How to use the low-level driver

As part of the Chromewhip service, a Python 3.6 asyncio compatible driver for Chrome devtools protocol was developed and can be leveraged without having to run the HTTP server. The advantages of our devtools driver are:


Before executing the code below, please have the following:

Example driver code

import asyncio
import logging

from chromewhip import Chrome
from chromewhip.protocol import browser, page, dom

# see logging from chromewhip

HOST = ''
PORT = 9222

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
c = Chrome(host=HOST, port=PORT)


# use the startup tab or create a new one
tab = c.tabs[0]
tab = loop.run_until_complete(c.create_tab())


def sync_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
    return loop.run_until_complete(tab.send_command(*args, **kwargs))
# send_command will return once the frameStoppedLoading event is received THAT matches
# the frameId that it is in the returned command payload.
result = sync_cmd(page.Page.navigate(url='http://nzherald.co.nz'), 

# send_command always returns a dict with keys `ack` and `event`
# `ack` contains the payload on response of a command
# `event` contains the payload of the awaited event if `await_on_event_type` is provided
ack = result['ack']['result']
event = result['event']
assert ack['frameId'] == event.frameId


result = sync_cmd(dom.DOM.getDocument())

dom_obj = result['ack']['result']['root']

# Python types are determined by the `types` fields in the JSON reference for the
# devtools protocol, and `send_command` will convert if possible.
assert isinstance(dom_obj, dom.Node)


# close the tab

# or close the browser via Devtools API
tab = c.tabs[0]

Implemented HTTP API


Query params:


Query params (including render.html):

Why not just use Selenium?

Bug reports and requests

Please simply file one using the Github tracker


Please :)

How to regenerate the Python protocol files

In scripts, you can run regenerate_protocol.sh, which downloads HEAD of offical devtools specs, regenerates, runs some sanity tests and creates a commit with the message of official devtools specs HEAD.

From time to time, it will fail, due to desynchronization of the chromewhip patch with the json specs, or mistakes in the protocol.

Under data, there are *_patch files, which follow the RFC 6902 JSON Patch notation. You will see that there are some checks to see whether particular items in arrays exist before patching. If you get a jsonpatch.JsonPatchTestFailed exception, it's likely to desynchronization, so check the official spec and adjust the patch json file.


Developed to run on Python 3.6, it leverages both aiohttp and asyncio for the implementation of the asynchronous HTTP server that wraps chrome.