


This is a CNN framework based on RenderScript.


  1. Download MobileNet-SSD model.
git clone https://github.com/chuanqi305/MobileNet-SSD
  1. Use script/convert_caffe_model.py to convert the model to new format, do not forget to change the caffe root path in the converting script.
python script/convert_caffe_model.py --model MobileNet-SSD/deploy.prototxt --weights MobileNet-SSD/MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel --savedir mobilenet-ssd
  1. Push the converted model files to your mobile phone.
adb push mobilenet-ssd /sdcard/

Instead of push the files to mobile phone manually, you can also put these files into the assets of the project:

cp -ar mobilenet-ssd demo/src/main/assets/
  1. Run this demo, and you can select a photo to see the object detection result.