

Data Config Generator

Addon tool


If you need to create DataConfig assets automatically, you can use this tool. Here are few steps to set up workspace:

  1. Create Google SpreadSheet document like at the link below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L77AUU-SmKj3dVjPl7hEbnWeGkr6HcT5tt0Rxgxswoo/edit#gid=0. First row and column would be your document version. You can automatically increase version by the following code: (Copy-paste it in your google-docs scripts in your document)
function onEdit(cell) {
  incrementCell(SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet().getName(), "A1:A1");

function incrementCell(sheet, cell) {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheet);
  var range = sheet.getRange(cell);

  range.setValue(range.getValue() + 1);
  1. Publish your document to get CSV link.
  2. Create "Create/ME.ECS/Addons/Data Config Generator Settings" asset and fill up the form with the target directory, caption and csv link to your google-spreadsheet.
  3. Press "Update All" and wait while operation has been complete. Pressing "Force Update All" runs an update ignoring current loaded version (Use this only if you understand that google-docs could return older file versions).
  4. Your data configs should automatically created at your destination directory.

Google Spreadsheet data

Table definition

First row - component names.<br> Second row - component fields.<br> First column - comment or custom type of DataConfig.<br> Second column - template(s) to be use.<br> Third column - config name.<br>

Note, if you leave spreadsheet cell empty, there are no component would be created for this data config.

Default Parsers

Primitive types like int, float, etc. have their built-in parsers.<br> Array types could be added with json-format: [1, 2, 3] or ["s1", "s2", "s3"]<br>

Note, if no parser found for your cell - json format will be used as a fallback and target field type will be the container type of this json.

You can use custom links to the few UnityEngine.Object types: ECS View, UnityEngine.GameObject, UnityEngine.Component and DataConfig. To use them, define it by the following code:<br>


Custom Parsers

If you need to parse some custom data, you can write your own implementation, just define struct with IParser interface:

public struct Vector2IntParser : IParser {

    public bool IsValid(System.Type fieldType) {
        return typeof(Vector2Int) == fieldType;

    public bool Parse(string data, System.Type componentType, string fieldName, System.Type fieldType, out object result) {

        var prs = data.Split(';');
        result = new Vector2Int(int.Parse(prs[0]), int.Parse(prs[1]));
        return true;



Custom Behaviour

if you need custom behaviour for some aspects of DataConfig Generator, you can use IGeneratorBehaviour to override default behaviour for these methods: CreateConfigInstance DeleteConfigAsset <br> Follow the steps below to override default behaviour:

  1. Create new class and inherit it from GeneratorBehaviour.
  2. Tag your class with CreateAssetMenu attribute.
  3. In Unity create your custom behaviour asset.
  4. Drag'n'drop your behaviour asset to the settings file.