Leaflet.GlobeMiniMap is a simple minimap control that places a 3d Globe in the corner of your map, centered on the same location as the main map.
Try the example out out now on github pages
Using the GlobeMiniMap control
Leaflet.GlobeMiniMap requires d3.js & topojson.js. You can load them from a CDN like this:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
The library is also looking for /data/world.json
in order to load the world topojson file. You can use the option topojsonSrc
to define another source.
Add the globe minimap with one line of code:
var miniMap = new L.Control.GlobeMiniMap(options).addTo(map);
You can pass in an options object to define colors for the water, land and marker on the globe minimap:
topojsonSrc: 'path/to/world.json'
The minimap is reactive, it only changes when the main map's center point changes. You can't interact with the mini map to move the main map.
I saw this static 3d minimap and thought it would be a great plugin for leaflet. Static 3d Minimap
The globe is built with d3, and is based on World Tour an excellent block by Mike Bostock.
The code for the plugin was modified from Leaflet.MiniMap by Robert Nordon
The marker SVG on the minimap is from fontawesome via
Please report issues on github. I am a noob at this plugin business, and am not sure if the /dist and build stuff is working properly, so advice and Pull Requests are welcome!