


{{ twitter ~ reddit }}


v3 is not compatible with v2, you will have to export your notes in v2 and import them in v3. This happens because v3 is almost a re-write of v2.


Wreeto is an open source note-taking, knowledge management and wiki system built on top of Ruby on Rails framework.

Initially this was built because I didn't like the note-taking apps out there and I wanted something simple, structured and straightforward, with no bells and whistles.

Current stable version: v2.6.8

Latest version: master or v3.0.1.beta

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Roadmap
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. How can you help
  7. Screenshots
  8. License
  9. Professional edition

<a name="features"></a> 1. Features

<a name="roadmap"></a> 2. Roadmap

<a name="requirements"></a> 3. Requirements


<a name="installation"></a> 4. Installation

4.1 Set up your environment

Copy the .env.development.local to .env:

cp .env.development.local .env 

and set up your variables:

WREETO_HOST=localhost # your IP Address or domain 

4.2 Use docker

The easiest way to get started now is to use docker-compose and simply execute:

For running the latest version (might be unstable) use image: chrisvel/wreeto:master. Instead use the latest stable version as (example) image: chrisvel/wreeto:version-.

docker-compose up

If you decide to just copy the docker-compose.yml file in order to deploy it locally, you'll also need to create .env (instructions in 4.1) and docker-entrypoint.sh. Make sure to add execute permissions to it sudo chmod +x docker-entrypoint.sh.

In order to initialize the database and load the default account, you'll need to run:

docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:drop db:migrate db:setup

4.3 Install locally

You will need to setup postgres, ruby, redis and their appropriate dependencies necessary by your O/S and environment.

As for every Rails project:

Do not forget to create the .env file.

<a name="usage"></a> 5. Usage

5.1 Default account

The default credentials are: username admin and password password.

5.2 Create a new account (rails console)

You can create another account from the Rails console by running bundle exec rails console or docker-compose run app bundle exec rails console and then

account = Account.create!
User.create!({username: 'admin', email: 'user@email.com', password: 'password', confirmed_at: DateTime.now, account: account})

by changing the values as you wish, then exit.

5.3 Web UI

To access the web application with default settings (hostname/port) please go to


<a name="how-can-you-help"></a> 6. How can you help

There are several ways you can help with wreeto:

  1. Try wreeto and send your feedback, comments or suggestions.
  2. Clone the repo, develo and create a Pull Request
  3. Spread the word about wreeto to your friends and your community. This is the way the project breaths and grows.
  4. Sponsor me through Github sponsors or donate to Paypal: paypal.me/wreeto

<a name="screenshots"></a> 7. Screenshots


Screenshot Running Command

Notes Inventory

Screenshot Running Command

Private Note View

Screenshot Running Command

Public Note View

Screenshot Running Command

Category Items

Screenshot Running Command

Create a new Note

Screenshot Running Command

Categories list

Screenshot Running Command

Wiki view

Screenshot Running Command


Screenshot Running Command

<a name="license"></a> 8. License

AGPLv3 License for the community version

<a name="professional-edition"></a> 9. Premium edition

There is a premium version and there is a pricing plan for this edition. Please check https://wreeto.com or email to <wreeto.official and gmail as the domain provider> for more details (currently updating).