

Example Gridworld

A gym reinforcement learning environment using the gym3 API. This is a simple gridworld from Pieter Abbeel's CS287 to illustrate how to make a simple gym3 environment.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/christopher-hesse/example-gridworld/master/docs/env.gif">


git clone https://github.com/christopher-hesse/example-gridworld.git
pip install -e example-gridworld

Quick Start

Play the gridworld using a keyboard:

python -m example_gridworld.interactive

Create the gym3 environment in code:

from example_gridworld import GridWorldEnv
env = GridWorldEnv(num=2)

Create a gym environment from the gym3 one:

from gym3 import ToGymEnv
from example_gridworld import GridWorldEnv
env = GridWorldEnv(num=1)
gym_env = ToGymEnv(env)
