

RECS toolbox


A MATLAB solver for nonlinear, dynamic, stochastic, rational expectations equilibrium models. RECS stands for "Rational Expectations Complementarity Solver". This name emphasizes that RECS has been developed specifically to solve models that include complementarity equations, also known as models with occasionally binding constraints.

Christophe Gouel (christophe.gouel@inrae.fr)

Main page is at: www.recs-solver.org.


RECS Toolbox releases are available at https://github.com/christophe-gouel/RECS/releases.

Why is this archive 20 MB? Much of this size is due to an executable for Windows. The executable file includes a complete Python distribution necessary to parse RECS model files.


Optional dependencies

Installation instructions

  1. Download the latest RECS archive and unzip it into a folder, called here recsfolder (avoid folder names that include spaces, even for parent folders).
  2. Install the CompEcon toolbox:
    1. Download the CompEcon toolbox archive;
    2. Unzip the archive into a folder, called here compeconfolder;
    3. Add CompEcon to the MATLAB path: addpath('compeconfolder/CEtools','compeconfolder/CEdemos');
    4. Type mexall in MATLAB prompt to create all CompEcon mex files.
  3. (optional) Install other dependencies.
  4. Add the RECS folder to the MATLAB path: addpath('recsfolder').
  5. On Windows, you are all set. On other architectures, you will have to install some Python packages. see instructions below.
  6. You can test your installation by running RECS demonstration files by typing recsdemos. You can also access RECS documentation in MATLAB by typing doc.

Install Python dependencies

Python 2.7.X and the following packages are required on Linux and Mac, and on Windows when installing from source:

To make the Python programs available to RECS, you have two options:

Installation from source

If you want to work with the bleeding edge version of RECS, which may be unstable, or if you want to contribute to RECS development, you need to install RECS from source. The installation requires Git.

When installing from source, all platforms (Linux, Mac, and Windows) require Python 2.7.X, along with NumPy, PyYaml, and SymPy version 0.7.2. See above for instructions.

Optionnaly, under Windows, to be able to generate a binary to run to the solver without a Python installation, one can also install PyInstaller and make its folder available in Windows Path.

  1. Download the latest version of RECS from the git repository by typing in a command line: git clone https://github.com/christophe-gouel/RECS.git recs
  2. From RECS folder (cd recs), download recs submodules with two commands: git submodule init and git submodule update.
  3. Install the CompEcon toolbox:
    1. Download the CompEcon toolbox archive;
    2. Unzip the archive into a folder, called here compeconfolder;
    3. Add CompEcon to the MATLAB path: addpath('compeconfolder/CEtools','compeconfolder/CEdemos');
    4. Type mexall in MATLAB prompt to create all CompEcon mex files.
  4. (optional) Install other dependencies.
  5. Add the RECS folder to the MATLAB path: addpath('recsfolder').
  6. Finalizes RECS installation from source by running in MATLAB the function recsInstall.
  7. You can test your installation by running RECS demonstration files by typing recsdemos. You can also access RECS documentation in MATLAB by typing doc.


RECS source can be found on the following git repository: https://github.com/christophe-gouel/RECS.git.


Unless stated otherwise, all files in the RECS toolbox are licensed using the Expat license, a permissive free software license. Please see the software license for more information.