

Phoenix image classification in a single file

Powered by Elixir's Nx/Axon library Bumblebee

View the live demo.


Run locally with $ elixir run.exs, and access your app at http://localhost:4000

Deploy single file on fly.io

First, install the fly cli:

On MacOS:

brew install flyctl

On Linux:

curl -L https://fly.io/install.sh | sh

On Windows:

iwr https://fly.io/install.ps1 -useb | iex

Next, create a new app with fly on the command line:

fly create my-new-app

Finally, update the first line of the fly.toml to use your new app name: app = "my-new-app"

Now you can fly deploy and access your application at my-new-app.fly.dev.