


Rocket Tools

The Rocket Tools library is a lightweight (28 KB) set of Javascript methods for quicker and easier development.

Getting Started

You can install Rocket Tools via NPM.

npm install rocket-tools


Simply add in the Rocket Tools script tag as shown below.

   /* Your content goes here */
   <script src="rocket-tools/js/tools.min.js"></script>

Use In NodeJS

If you wish to use Rocket Tools as a Node module then just require it as you would any other module.

const Rocket = require('rocket-tools');

NOTE that there are slight differences between the NodeJS and standard library files. These differences should not affect its usage but please report any issue should you find any.


The library is automatically initialized and assigned to the variable Rocket. This variable acts as the libraries namespace and scopes all methods to this declaration. An example of it in use can be seen below:

// Some methods
const boldName = Rocket.string.uppercase.all('Chris Humboldt'); // Convert a string to uppercase
const randomNumber = Rocket.random.integer(); // Generate a random integer

Make sure not to overwrite the Rocket variable name to anything else within your project. Often a new reference will be made for the library and its defaults making typing easier. For example:

// Here we assign the library to a quick variable reference
const _R = Rocket;
const _RD = Rocket.defaults;

const randomNumber = _R.random.integer(); // Generate a random integer

NOTE that a no touch check is run and the result assigned to the HTML element in the form of a class rocket-no-touch. An overlay is also automatically applied.


You can overwrite the library options globally by altering the defaults. To do so reference the defaults object property.


defaults.extensions.all['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'json', 'gif', 'tif', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf', 'txt', 'csv']
defaults.extensions.images['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'tif', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'png']

Regular Expressions





defaults.storage.typelocal sessionsession
This allows you to use the Rocket.log() method throughout your project
and when deploying to production, assign this a value of "false" to
prevent any forgotten console.log messages from displaying.
Rocket.defaults.log = false;


Below is a list of the all the methods with a description.


array.clean(ar)Remove any null values from array ar.
array.make(val, unique)unique: true falseWill attempt to return an array based on val.<br>unique will return only unique array values.<br>unique defaults to false.
array.unique(ar)Return only unique array values from array ar.
const myElement = Rocket.dom.element('element');
const myNumbers = [1,1,2,3,4,5,5,5,5];
const myString = 'This is a string';

Rocket.array.make(myElement); // Returns [element]
Rocket.array.make(myNumbers); // Returns [1,1,2,3,4,5,5,5,5]
Rocket.array.make(myNumbers, true); // Returns [1,2,3,4,5]
Rocket.array.make(myString); // Returns ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string']

Basic Checks

exists(x)Check if x exists. This is based on a null, undefined and false check.
has.spaces(str)Check if string str has any spaces.
has.class(elm, class)Check if element elm has the class name class.
has.extension(str, ext)Check if string str has an extension in array ext.<br>ext checks against the all extensions array and is optional.
is.array(ar)Check if ar is an array.
is.boolean(x)Check if x is a boolean value.
is.colour(hex)Check if hex is a hexadecimal colour code.
is.date(date, regExp)Check if string date is in a date format (regExp optional).
is.element(elm)Check if elm is a DOM element.
is.email(email, regExp)Check if string email is a valid email address (regExp optional).
is.function(x)Check if x is a valid function.
is.image(str, ext)Check if string str has an extension in array ext.<br>ext checks against the images extensions array and is optional.
is.integer(num)Check if num is a valid whole number.
is.json(json)Check if json is valid JSON.
is.number(num)Check if num is a valid number.
is.object(obj)Check if obj is a valid object.
is.password(str, regExp)Check if string str is a password (regExp optional).
is.string(str)Check if str is a valid string type.
is.time(str, regExp)Check if string str is a valid time value (regExp optional).
is.touch()A very basic touchscreen check on the current window.
is.url(str, regExp)Check if string str is a valid url (regExp optional).
const elm = Rocket.dom.element('.element');
const filename = 'filename.json';
const time = '12:54:07';

Rocket.exists(elm); // true
Rocket.has.spaces('This is a test'); // true
Rocket.has.class(elm, 'element'); // true
Rocket.has.extension(filename, ['jpg', 'png']); // false

Rocket.is.number(filename); // false
Rocket.is.time(time); // true


All elms arguments can be either a string selector or DOM elements.

classes.add(elms, classes)Add class names classes to all elements elms.
classes.clear(elms)Remove all class names from elements elms.
classes.remove(elms, classes)Remove class names classes from all elements elms.
classes.replace(elms, remove, add)Remove class names remove from all elements elms.<br>Replace with add.
classes.toggle(elms, class)Remove / add class name class from all elements elms.
// Classes can be either a string, space separated string list or an array.
Rocket.classes.add('.element', 'block');
Rocket.classes.add('.element', 'block blue rounded');
Rocket.classes.add('.element', ['block', 'blue', 'rounded']);

Rocket.classes.replace('.element', 'block', 'circle');

// You can also execute class changes on multiple elements at once.
// Here DOM elements are provided instead of a target selector.
// Either option will work.
const elms = Rocket.dom.select('.elements');

Rocket.classes.add(elms, 'block');


The arguments in the date methods below are all optional. Also if no date is provided or is false, then the current date and time will be used.

date.basic(date, time)time: true falseReturn a basic date value.<br>time defaults to false.
date.day(date, type)type: short longReturn the day value of date.<br>A type of "long" adds a leading zero if required.<br>type defaults to short.
date.month(date, type)type: short long numberReturn the month value of date.<br>type defaults to short.
date.safe(date, time)Will return a date in a standard safe format. <br>yyyy-mm-dd.
date.transform(date)Attempt to transform date into a Javascript date.
date.year(date, type)type: short longReturn the year value of date.<br>type defaults to short.
Rocket.date.basic('22-04-2016', true); // 22 Apr 2016, 16:45
Rocket.date.month('12-03-2016', 'long'); // March


log(val)Console log val if the window.log option is available.<br>The Rocket.defaults.log option must also be set to true.
error(val)Console out an error val if allowed. The Rocket.defaults.log option must also be set to true.
Rocket.log('This is a test.');


dimensions.height(elm)Get the height value of element elm.
dimensions.width(elm)Get the width value of element elm.


dom.bodyAccess the document body element.
dom.element(sel)Select the first element with selector sel.<br>Only one element will ever be returned.
dom.headAccess the document head element.
dom.htmlAccess the document html element.
dom.ratio(sel, int)Select all elements with selector sel.<br>Set the height values to the width values times int.
dom.remove(val)Remove element(s). val can either be an element or a selector.
dom.select(sel)Select all elements with selector sel.<br>Always returns an array even if unique selector was used.<br>If you want only one element or the first use dom.element(sel).
dom.titleAccess the document title element.
<div id="example" style="width:50px;"></div>
<div class="example"></div>
<div class="example"></div>

Rocket.dom.title.innerHTML = 'New Title'; // The document title is now changed.
Rocket.dom.ratio('#example', 1.5); // The elements height will now be 75px.

Rocket.dom.select('.example'); // Both elements are returned in an array.
Rocket.dom.select('#example')[0]; // This is how you would reference a unique element.
Rocket.dom.element('#example'); // This will return only one element, similar to the above method.

Rocket.dom.remove('#example'); // Remove with selector
Rocket.dom.remove(Rocket.dom.element('example')); // Remove element directly


The events methods will automatically determine the best type of event assignment based on your browser.

event.add(elm, event, func)Attach a function func to element elm when event occurs.
event.remove(elm, event, func)Remove function func from element elm when event occurs.
const button = Rocket.dom.element('button');
const sayHi = () => {

Rocket.event.add(button, 'click', sayHi); // Hi will be alerted every time the button is clicked.
Rocket.event.remove(button, 'click', sayHi); // The sayHi function has now been removed from this event.


get.extension(str)Return the extension of string str.
get.index(elm)Return the index integer of elm in its parent container.
Rocket.get.extension('awesome.jpg'); // Returns 'jpg'.


helper.parse.json(json)Will attempt to safely parse json.
helper.setDefault(val, default)Will compare val to default and return.<br>Should be used for matching value types only.
const myString = 'This is a string';

Rocket.helper.setDefault(awesome, myString); // Returns 'This is a string' as awesome is undefined.
Rocket.helper.setDefault('Coolio', myString); // Returns 'Coolio' as the types match to string.
Rocket.helper.setDefault(2, myString); // Returns 'This is a string' as 2 is not a string.


id.add(elm, id)Add id to element elm.
id.remove(elm, id)Remove id from element elm.
const elm = Rocket.dom.element('.element');

Rocket.id.add(elm, 'my-element');
Rocket.id.remove(elm, 'my-element');


input.disable(sel)Select all elements (inputs) with selector sel.<br>Set a disabled attribute on each element.
input.enable(sel)Select all elements (inputs) with selector sel.<br>Remove the disabled attribute from each element.


milliseconds.hours(int)Return the millisecond value of int hours.
milliseconds.minutes(int)Return the millisecond value of int minutes.
milliseconds.seconds(int)Return the millisecond value of int seconds.
Rocket.milliseconds.minutes(5); // Returns '300000' milliseconds


An overlay element is automatically added to the DOM when the library is initialized. It has an id of rocket-overlay and has the following methods.

overlay.add()Add the overlay to the page. Will only execute if an existing overlay cannot be found.
overlay.show()Show the overlay.
overlay.hide()Hide the overlay.


All arguments are optional.

random.integer(max, min)Return a random integer ranging from min to max.<br>max defaults to 10 and min defaults to 1.
random.string(len, text)Return a random alphanumeric string of length len.<br>text defaults to false but if true will exclude integers. len defaults to 5.


The options is always provided in the form of an object. Success and error responses are managed using promises with a polyfill for older browsers.

request.delete(options)Make a DELETE request. See the available options below.
request.get(options)Make a GET request. See the available options below.
request.patch(options)Make a PATCH request. See the available options below.
request.post(options)Make a POST request. See the available options below.
request.put(options)Make a PUT request. See the available options below.
request.run(options)Make a request of your choice. See the available options below.

NOTE that all defaults are set by the request defaults above.

urlSet the request URL.
asynctrueDetermine if request must be asynchronous.
datafalseAttach data to the request. GET, DELETE request data is attached as a query string. PATCH, POST and PUT request data is attached to the body.
dataForcefalseIf set, force the way data is attached. In this way you can attach a body to a GET request. The options are queryString or body.
dataTypejsonSet the data type that you will be sending. The options are json, form or formdata.
headersfalseAttach custom headers to the request.
onCompletefalseAttach a function to execute once the request is complete.
onLoadingfalseAttach a function to execute while the request is loading. This is a continuous state.
onStartfalseAttach a function to execute as the request is made.
timeoutfalseSet the request timeout in seconds.
typefalseSet the type of request made. Only used on the Rocket.request.run() method.
withCredentialsfalseSet the withCredentials option for the request.
   url: 'http://someurl.com',
   data: {
      key: 'value'
   onStart: () => {
      Rocket.log('Starting request...');
   onComplete: () => {
      Rocket.log('Request done!!!');
// Successful response
.then(({ response, status, headers }) => {
// Error
.catch(({ error, status, headers }) => {
   Rocket.log(status + ': ' + error);


There are a predefined list of states with an opposing state that can be added to elements in the form of a class. The states are active, open and visible with the opposites being inactive, closed and hidden. All states are prefixed with is-.

state.add(elms, state)Set a state on all elements elms.
state.clear(elms)Clear all states currently set on all elements elms.
state.toggle(elms, state)Set a state on all elements elms. If set, then change it to its opposing state.
const elm = Rocket.dom.element('#my-element');

Rocket.state.set(elm, 'visible'); // A class of 'is-visible' has now been added to this element.
Rocket.state.toggle(elm, 'visible'); // The class has now be changed to 'is-hidden'.


These methods facade the browser storage API by putting all data into a JSON object. NOTE that in order to use these methods you need to first set the defaults storage name.

storage.add(key, value)Add a key, value store pair to the storage.
storage.add(obj)Add an object of key, value store pairs to the storage.
storage.clear(exclude)Destroy storage with the name Rocket.defaults.storage.name.<br>exclude is optional and allows you to exclude a certain key from the clear.<br>exclude can be either a string or an array.
storage.get(key)Get the storage value of key.
storage.remove(key)Remove the storage item reference with key.
// A storage name is required and only needs to be declared once.
Rocket.defaults.storage.name = 'my-storage-name';

Rocket.storage.add('name', 'Chris Humboldt');
Rocket.storage.get('name'); // Return 'Chris Humboldt'

Rocket.storage.clear(); // Storage with name 'my-storage-name' will no longer exist.

// Exclusion example with object add
   firstCar: 'Mazda 323',
   lastCar: 'Ford Fiesta',
   coolCar: 'Nissan GT-R'
Rocket.storage.clear(['coolCar']); // Only 'coolCar' will remain in the storage.


string.format.bytes(bytes)Format the integer bytes into a human readable form.<br>This will output KB, MB, GB as needed.
string.lowercase.all(str)Lowercase all characters of str.
string.lowercase.first(str)Lowercase the first character of str.
string.lowercase.last(str)Lowercase the last character of str.
string.remove.first(str)Remove the first character of str.
string.remove.firstAndLast(str)Remove the first and last characters of str.
string.remove.last(str)Remove the last character of str.
string.remove.spaces(str)Remove all space characters of str.
string.trim(str)Remove the white space from before and after str.
string.uppercase.all(str)Uppercase all characters of str.
string.uppercase.first(str)Uppercase the first character of str.
string.uppercase.last(str)Uppercase the last character of str.
const myString = 'hello bright world!';

Rocket.string.remove.firstAndLast(myString); // Returns 'ello bright world'
Rocket.string.uppercase.all(myString); // Returns 'HELLO BRIGHT WORLD!'


If no date is provided or is false, then the current date and time will be used.

time.basic(date)Transform and return the time value of date. This excludes seconds and milliseconds.
time.exact(date)Transform and return the time value of date. This includes seconds and milliseconds.
time.full(date)Transform and return the time value of date. This includes seconds.
time.hours(date)Transform and return the hours value of date.
time.minutes(date)Transform and return the minutes value of date.
time.seconds(date)Transform and return the seconds value of date.
const myDate = new Date();

Rocket.time.basic(myDate); // Returns the time in format '21:17'
Rocket.time.full(myDate); // Returns the time in format '21:17:05'
Rocket.time.minutes(myDate); // Returns '17'


url.all()Returns an object containing all URL information. This includes:<br>base, current, full, hash, host, pathname, protocol and segments.
url.base()Returns the base of URL.
url.current()Returns the current URL.
url.full()Returns the full URL.
url.hash()Returns the hash of URL.
url.host()Returns the host of URL.
url.pathname()Returns the pathname of URL.
url.protocol()Returns the protocol of URL.
url.segments()Returns the segments of URL.
// Let assume the current URL is:
// http://chrishumboldt.com/rocket/test.html

Rocket.url.base(); // Returns 'http://chrishumboldt.com'
Rocket.url.pathname(); // Returns '/rocket/test.html'


Created and maintained by Chris Humboldt<br> Website: <a href="http://chrishumboldt.com/">chrishumboldt.com</a><br> Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/chrishumboldt">twitter.com/chrishumboldt</a><br> GitHub <a href="https://github.com/chrishumboldt">github.com/chrishumboldt</a><br>

Copyright and License

Copyright 2017 Rocket Project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.