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Running a Ballerina Service as a Serverless function in AWS Lambda

This project implements an AWS Request Handler, which is triggered by AWS Lambda when there is an event. The request handler invokes the Ballerina Service resource and returns the response.

The Ballerina service is compiled using an unofficial API in the constructor. The handler method locates the service resource in the compiled Ballerina service and executes it programmatically.

For more information, see Ballerina Services in Serverless World

How to run your own Ballerina service in AWS Lambda

Clone the ballerina-lambda repository.

git clone https://github.com/chrishantha/ballerina-lambda --depth=1
cd ballerina-lambda/

Save ballerina service in ballerina-services directory. Currently, the ballerina-lambda expects a ballerina package name, which includes the Ballerina service. Therefore, you need to make sure that the ballerina service is in a package. There is already a sample helloWorldService inside the ballerina-services directory.

Now build the maven project.

mvn clean package

There should be a zip file inside the target directory.

Use the zip file as the package for AWS Lambda function.

Following must be specified as the handler method.


You need to configure following environment variables.

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
BAL_PACKAGEThe name of the Ballerina package, which includes the Ballerina Service.echoService
BAL_SERVICE_PATHThe full path for the Ballerina service resource./echo/
BAL_SERVICE_METHODThe HTTP Method used by the Ballerina service resourcePOST


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0