Gameboy Tile Data Generator (gbtdg)
Gameboy Tile Data Generator (gbtdg) is a HTML5 / JS web application that can convert bitmap images to hexidecimal data appropriate for use in tile based graphical applications, specifically Nintendo Gameboy (DMG) software.
18/02/2014 v1.3.1
- code cleanup
- better integratoin of C syntax support
- added radio button to switch between ASM / C output format
- removed some output options
- improved HTML layout
16/02/2014 v1.3.0
- Add C syntax export
- Make download use .h extension in C mode
29/01/2014 v1.2.0
- General cleanup
- Removed cookie functions
18/01/2014 v1.1.0
- Fixed local hosting and noted Linux support
11/05/2012 v1.0.0
- Initial Release
Credit & Legal
- The tux logo is provided by Larry Ewing under the GPLv2+
- Gameboy is a trademark of Nintendo.
- Windows and Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft.
- Chrome is a trademark of Google.
- Opera is a trademark of Opera Software Asa
- Safari and OS X are trademarks of Apple.
- This software is not affiliated with Nintendo nor does it contain any code derived from any Nintendo codebase.