

🗺️ geojson-invalid-geometry

List of GeoJSON invalid geometry issues with example files

Ever encountered an invalid geometry error when dealing with GeoJSON? Even if a GeoJSON conforms to the GeoJSON specification, some tools or APIs might have issues with it. This repo shows the common issues when handling GeoJSON geometries and how to fix them. To validate and fix GeoJSON automatically you can use the geojson-validator. For a general introduction to GeoJSON see here.

Invalid by GeoJSON specification


The first and last node (corner point, also called vertex/vertices) of a Polygon's exterior ring (shell) or inner ring (hole) must be the same, i.e. have identical values. This signifies the start and endpoint of a closed Polygon. Spec, Example

Less than three unique nodes

A Polygon's exterior ring and inner ring must have four or more nodes: Three or more unique coordinate positions plus the first and last node must be the equivalent to close the Polygon (see above). Otherwise the Polygon would not cover an area. Spec, Example

Exterior not counter-clockwise winding order

A Polygon's exterior ring must have counterclockwise winding order (often abbreviated ccw). This is often overlooked when manually creating Polygons or converting from other formats. As an older specification version did not define the winding order, most tools will accept Polygons with invalid winding order, but not all.
In this context, many definitions use the term "right-hand rule": If you would walk along the ring in the order of the coordinates, if the area enclosed by the ring is on your right-hand side, it has a clockwise winding order; if it is on your left-hand side, it has a counter-clockwise winding order. Spec, Example - Exterior

Interior not clockwise winding order

The inner rings (define hole cutouts) of a Polygon must be clockwise (often abbreviated cw). For more details also see the "exterior not ccw" criterium above. Example - Interior

Inner and exterior Polygon rings intersect or cross

The inner ring of a Polygon must not intersect or cross the exterior ring. Also, no two inner rings may intersect or cross each other. The inner and exterior ring, as well as two inner rings may touch only at a single point. This is because the exterior and inner ring of a Polygon bound surfaces. Example

Incorrect geometry data type

For example, a geometry that can be identified as a Polygon by its shape, has the geometry type defined as another type, e.g. LineString. Similarly when a single geometry object (e.g., Point, LineString or Polygon) has multiple, disconnected parts that should be represented as a MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon. Example


Valid but problematic for some tools/APIs


A Polygon is allowed to have hole cutouts, this is a feature, not an issue. However, some APIs don't accept Polygon geometries with holes as input (e.g. some satellite data providers where the desired area is relevant for pricing). The holes can be removed by removing the Polygon's inner ring coordinates. Example


Here one or multiple parts of a Polygon overlap another part of itself. Often found in complex geometry shapes, after geometry operations without careful cleanup (buffer, raster-to-vector etc.). A Polygon is allowed to have self-intersections, this conforms with the GeoJSON specification. However, it frequently causes issues in downstream applications thus is often rejected by APIs and tools.

A common approach for removing the self-intersections is applying a zero-buffer operation (e.g. .buffer(0) in shapely). This dissolves the overlapping areas and usually is an okay solution for small, undesired self-intersections. However, especially for larger self-intersections (see example 2) this might lead to unintended changes of the geometry, as significant parts of the geometry could be removed by the operation. Here only a manual operation can fix the issue, by splitting of the geometry into multiple parts, or adding/removing nodes. Example 1 - Small Example 2 - Large

Duplicate nodes

Except the first and last node of a Polygon (see "unclosed" rule above), nodes of a Polygon/LineString are ideally unique. Example

Zero-length LineString

A LineString with identical start and end node coordinates has zero length, which can lead to issues. Spec, Example

Excessive coordinate precision

Although not mandatory, the GeoJSON specification recommends a coordinate precision of 6 decimal places. Using more than 6 decimal places may lead to issues with some tools/APIs and unnecessarily increase the file size (6 decimal places corresponds to about 10cm of a GPS). Spec, Example

Excessive vertices

Some tools might have an issue with very complex geometries that have many vertices (nodes), e.g. some APIs limit it to less than 1000. Even simple geometries can have a high number of nodes, e.g. when a straight line contains additional nodes. Example (1223 vertices)

3D or more coordinates not accepted

A geometry's nodes/positions/vertices should consist of either two coordinates (order [longitude, latitude]) or three coordinates ([longitude, latitude, elevation]). Elevation is optional. Some tools and APIs may not accept 3D coordinates.

In early versions of the GeoJSON specification, it was normal to store more than three coordinates, e.g. storing additional information like time etc. Technically still allowed but discouraged by the current specification, if used in some tools or APIs this may lead to errors or the additional values being ignored. The additional information should now be stored separately in the properties of the feature. Example 1 - 3D coordinates

Outside latitude/longitude boundary

The most recent GeoJSON specification defines GeoJSON as being in the WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) with latitude / longitude decimal coordinates. Latitudes are specified within the range of [-90, 90] and longitudes within [-180, 180]. Older GeoJSON specification allowed setting CRS, and using coordinates in other coordinate systems is not explicitley forbidden, but leads to interopability issues with many tools. Example

Crosses anti-meridian

A Polygon/LineString that extends across the 180th meridian can lead to interoperability issues, and instead should be cut in two as a MultiPolygon or MultiLineString. The anti-meridian goes in vertical direction (north-south), the longitude at this line can be given as either east or west. A geometry crossing it would thus go over it from left to right or vice-versa. Also see "The 180th Meridian" by Tom MacWright. Spec, Example

Wrong bounding box coordinate order

A bbox may be defined (but is not required) in the GeoJSON object to summarize the extent on the level of Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. If it is defined, the bbox coordinate order must conform to [west, south, east, north]. Spec, Example

Multi-type Geometry with just one geometry object

A MultiPoint/MultiLineString/MultiPolygon should represent multiple geometries of the same type (e.g. multiple Polygons within a MultiPolygon). While it is not invalid according to the GeoJSON specification, if a Multi-type object only contains a single geometry object, some tools might complain. Example

Feature has no geometry

A GeoJSON Feature is allowed to be un-located, meaning it has null as a geometry member, see spec. But some tools/APIs might expect a geometry and complain. Example

Geometry or Feature not wrapped in a Feature or FeatureCollection

The GeoJSON specification allows not wrapping geometry or feature objects in a FeatureCollection, see spec. Any GeoJSON object on its own is still a valid GeoJSON. However, some tools might expect a Feature and FeatureCollection and the associated properties.


Coordinate reference system (CRS) defined

The GeoJSON specification defines GeoJSON as being in the WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) with latitude / longitude decimal coordinates. Thus, the CRS does not need to be specified in the GeoJSON. In older GeoJSON specifications you could define alternative crs (as a "crs" key in the FeatureCollection). However this leads to interoperability issues with many tools/APIs, as they can ignore the crs definition and assume latitude/longitude coordinates (WGS84). Spec, Example