

[!IMPORTANT] This repository is no longer maintained. The Docker CLI now offers auto-completion itself. More information can be found in the Docker documentation.

Docker Completion for macOS

This is a ZSH plugin for all oh-my-zsh-compatible frameworks to easily load the completions for docker and docker-compose directly from the Docker for Mac app.

The Docker for Mac Application provides the tab completion for the docker and docker-compose commands directly under /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/etc.



Add chr-fritz/docker-completion.zshplugin to your .zsh_plugins.txt and execute antibody update.


Add antigen bundle chr-fritz/docker-completion.zshplugin to your .zshrc


  1. cd to your oh-my-zsh plugins directory (~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins)
  2. git clone https://github.com/chr-fritz/docker-completion.zshplugin docker-completion
  3. Add docker-completion to your plugins in your .zshrc
plugins=( ... docker-completion ...)


Add zgenom load chr-fritz/docker-completion.zshplugin to your .zshrc with your other load commands.

Without using any frameworks

  1. Clone this repository, then add its bin directory to your $PATH.
  2. Add source /path/to/here/docker-completion.zshplugin to your .zshrc file.

Run once

It's enough to run this plugin just once, assuming the plugin or Docker Desktop don't change the completion location. The site-functions directory might not be user-writable, so use elevated permissions.

git clone https://github.com/chr-fritz/docker-completion.zshplugin docker-completion
cd docker-completion
sudo zsh docker-completion.plugin.zsh


Apache License 2.0 © 2020 Christian Fritz