

Deep Illuminator

Deep Illuminator is a data augmentation tool designed for image relighting. It can be used to easily and efficiently generate a wide range of illumination variants of a single image. It has been tested with several datasets and models and has been shown to succesfully improve performance. It has a built in visualizer created with Streamlit to preview how the target image can be relit. This tool has an accompanying paper.

Example Augmentations

<p align="center"> <img src=./assets/combined.gif> </p>


The simplest method to use this tool is through Docker Hub:

docker pull kartvel/deep-illuminator


Once you have the Deep Illuminator image run the following command to launch the visualizer:

docker run -it --rm  --gpus all \
-p 8501:8501 --entrypoint streamlit \ 
kartvel/deep-illuminator run streamlit/streamlit_app.py

You will be able to interact with it on localhost:8501. Note: If you do not have NVIDIA gpu support enabled for docker simply remove the --gpus all option.

Generating Variants

It is possible to quickly generate multiple variants for images contained in a directory by using the following command:

docker run -it --rm --gpus all \                                                                                               ─╯
-v /path/to/input/images:/app/probe_relighting/originals \
-v /path/to/save/directory:/app/probe_relighting/output \
kartvel/deep-illuminator --[options]


mode['synthetic', 'mid']Selecting the style of probes used as a relighting guide.
stepintIncrement for the granularity of relighted images. max mid: 24, max synthetic: 360

Buidling Docker image or running without a container

Please read the following for other options: instructions


Improved performance of R2D2 for MMA@3 on HPatches

Training DatasetOverallViewpointIllumination
COCO - Original71.065.477.1
COCO - Augmented72.2 (+1.7%)65.7 (+0.4%)79.2 (+2.7%)
VIDIT - Original66.760.573.4
VIDIT - Augmented69.2 (+3.8%)60.9 (+0.6%)78.1 (+6.4%)
Aachen - Original69.464.175.0
Aachen - Augmented72.6 (+4.6%)66.1 (+3.1%)79.6 (+6.1%)

Improved performance of R2D2 for the Long-Term Visual Localization challenge on Aachen v1.1

Training Dataset0.25m, 2°0.5m, 5°5m, 10°
COCO - Original62.377.079.5
COCO - Augmented65.4 (+5.0%)83.8 (+8.8%)92.7 (+16%)
VIDIT - Original40.853.461.3
VIDIT - Augmented53.9 (+32%)71.2 (+33%)83.2(+36%)
Aachen - Original60.772.883.8
Aachen - Augmented63.4 (+4.4%)81.7 (+12%)92.1 (+9.9%)


The developpement of the VAE for the visualizer was made possible by the PyTorch-VAE repository.


If you use this code in your project, please consider citing the following paper:

      title={Controllable Data Augmentation Through Deep Relighting}, 
      author={George Chogovadze and Rémi Pautrat and Marc Pollefeys},