

Easy Reflection solution for C++

CMake build and test <a href="https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp#reflection"><img src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg" alt="Listed on Awesome C++"></img></a>

It parses C++ source code for special attributes. In the most straightforward situation, you only need to mark an object by [[er::reflect]] attribute. All other work will be done by the code generation tool and reflection library.

The main idea is to use kinda dynamic typing for some type agnostic operations, like copying or getting the name of a type.
It makes it possible to determine a variable type and do the right job - print, serialize/deserialize.

If you are curious about the details of how it works you can find them in DEV article.


Quick start

Look at Installation guide and install the solution.

Then define your object and use [[er::reflect]]:

class [[er::reflect]] Object {
  std::string field_str;
  int field_int;

  std::vector<int> field_vector;

And serialize/deserialize it in one shot:

#include "generated/reflection.h"
#include "er/serialization/json.h"

using namespace serialization;

auto str = json::to_string<Object>(obj).unwrap();
obj = json::from_string<Object>(str).unwrap();

For more details see How To Use.


The repository includes benchmarks folder, feel free to check it on your own hardware.

JSON is faster than nlohmann json. Serialization is the same fast as rapid json, deserialization is a little faster with simdjson parser and more than twice slower without.

YAML is blazingly faster than yaml-cpp if I did the benchmark right.

Note: Other libraries do not always convert string-represented values to int, float, or bool and don't create instances of std::string until you call something like .get<int>(). Easy Reflection, on the other hand, provides ready-made objects with all values within.

<p align="center"> <img src="./benchmarks/performance_chart.png" alt="Core i5 benchmarks"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./benchmarks/memory_chart.png" alt="Memory"> </p> <p align="center">The ratio of the content length in bytes</p>


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