

<h1 align=center> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11352152/82113733-3f9c9800-9726-11ea-977d-a2f43e5d392e.png" width=64 align=top /><br/>handlr</h1>

Manage your default applications with ease using handlr!



# Open a file/URL
handlr open ~/.dotfiles/pacman/packages.txt
handlr open https://google.ca

# Set default handler for png files
handlr set .png feh.desktop

# Set wildcard handler for all text files
handlr set 'text/*' nvim.desktop

# Set default handler based on mime
handlr set application/pdf evince.desktop

# List default apps
handlr list

# Get the handler for a mime/extension
$ handlr get .png

# Launch a handler with given path/URL
handlr launch x-scheme-handler/https -- https://google.ca

Compared to xdg-utils

Setting default terminal

Unfortunately, there isn't an XDG spec and thus a standardized way for handlr to get your default terminal emulator to run Terminal=true desktop entries. There was a proposal floating around a few years ago to use x-scheme-handler/terminal for this purpose. It seems to me the least worst option, compared to handling quirks of N+1 distros or using a handlr-specific config option.

Now if x-scheme-handler/terminal is present, handlr will use it.

Otherwise, handlr will:

  1. Find an app with TerminalEmulator category
  2. Set it as the default for x-scheme-handler/terminal
  3. Send you a notification to let you know it guessed your terminal and provide instructions to change it if necessary

On the upside, Terminal=true entries will now work outside of interactive terminals, unlike xdg-utils.

Setting multiple handlers

  1. Open ~/.config/handlr/handlr.toml and set enable_selector = true. Optionally, you can also tweak the selector to your selector command (using e.g. rofi or dmenu).

  2. Add a second/third/whatever handler using handlr add, for example

handlr add x-scheme-handler/https firefox-developer-edition.desktop
  1. Now in this example when you open a URL, you will be prompted to select the desired application.


<table><tr><td> <img src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11352152/82159698-2434a880-985e-11ea-95c7-a07694ea9691.png width=500> </td><td> <img width=450 src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11352152/82159699-2434a880-985e-11ea-9493-c21773093c38.png> </td></tr></table>


Arch Linux

yay -S handlr-bin

Optionally you can also install xdg-utils-handlr to replace xdg-open:

yay -S xdg-utils-handlr


cargo install handlr


  1. Download the latest release binary and put it somewhere in $PATH
  2. Download completions for fish:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chmln/handlr/master/completions/handlr.fish --create-dirs -o ~/.config/fish/completions/handlr.fish


Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/eucalyp" title="Eucalyp">Eucalyp</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>

Cover photo by creativebloq.com