

Towards a Unified Framework for Fair and Stable Graph Representation Learning

This repository contains source code necessary to reproduce some of the main results in the paper:

If you use this software, please consider citing:

  title={Towards a Unified Framework for Fair and Stable Graph Representation Learning},
  author={Chirag Agarwal and Himabindu Lakkaraju* and Marinka Zitnik*},
<p align="center"> <img src="revised_proposed_model.png" width=540px> </p> <p align="center"><i> Our framework NIFTY can learn node representations that are both fair and stable (i.e., invariant to the sensitive attribute value and perturbations to the graph structure and non-sensitive attributes) by maximizing the similarity between representations from diverse augmented graphs. </i></p>

1. Setup

Installing software

This repository is built using PyTorch. You can install the necessary libraries by pip installing the requirements text file pip install -r ./requirements.txt After installing the packages from the requirements.txt, install the PyTorch Geometric packages following the instructions from here.

Note: We ran our codes using python=3.7.9

2. Datasets

We ran our experiments on three high-stake read-world datasets. All the data are present in the './datasets' folder. Due to space constraints the edge file of the credit dataset is zipped.

3. Usage

The main scripts running the experiments on the state-of-the-art GNNs and their NIFTY-augmented counterparts is in nifty_sota_gnn.py


Script 1: Evaluate fairness and stability performance of GCN (for German Graph dataset) python nifty_sota_gnn.py --dropout 0.5 --hidden 16 --lr 1e-3 --epochs 1000 --model gcn --dataset german --seed 1

<p align="left"><i> The AUCROC of estimator: 0.7605<br/> Parity: 0.3952 | Equality: 0.2731<br/> F1-score: 0.8078<br/> CounterFactual Fairness: 0.2960<br/> Robustness Score: 0.1160<br/> </i></p>

Script 2: Evaluate fairness and stability performance of NIFTY-GCN (for German Graph dataset) python nifty_sota_gnn.py --drop_edge_rate_1 0.001 --drop_edge_rate_2 0.001 --drop_feature_rate_1 0.1 --drop_feature_rate_2 0.1 --dropout 0.5 --hidden 16 --lr 1e-3 --epochs 1000 --model ssf --encoder gcn --dataset german --sim_coeff 0.6 --seed 1

<p align="left"><i> The AUCROC of estimator: 0.7205<br/> Parity: 0.0104 | Equality: 0.0199<br/> F1-score: 0.8235<br/> CounterFactual Fairness: 0.0<br/> Robustness Score: 0.0<br/> </i></p>

Script 3: Evaluate fairness and stability performance of FairGCN baseline (for German Graph dataset) python baseline_fairGNN.py --dropout 0.5 --hidden 16 --lr 1e-3 --epochs 1000 --dataset german --seed 1 --model gcn

<p align="left"><i> The AUCROC of estimator: 0.7549<br/> Parity: 0.2763 | Equality: 0.1723<br/> F1-score: 0.8251<br/> CounterFactual Fairness: N/A<br/> Robustness Score: 0.0440<br/> </i></p>

Script 4: Evaluate fairness and stability performance of RobustGCN (for German Graph dataset) python nifty_sota_gnn.py --dropout 0.5 --hidden 16 --lr 1e-3 --epochs 1000 --model rogcn --dataset german --seed 5

<p align="left"><i> The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6230<br/> Parity: 0.2449 | Equality: 0.2048<br/> F1-score: 0.6143<br/> CounterFactual Fairness: 0.0880<br/> Robustness Score: 0.1320<br/> </i></p>

4. Licenses

Note that the code in this repository is licensed under MIT License. Please carefully check them before use.

5. Questions?

If you have questions/suggestions, please feel free to email or create github issues.