


A collection of framework-agnostic utilities for use with PSR-7 Message implementations.

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requires composer

composer.json (note: replace dev-main with a version boundary, e.g. ^2.2)

	"require": {
		"php": "^8.1",
		"chillerlan/php-http-message-utils": "dev-main#<commit_hash>"




The URLExtractor wraps a PSR-18 ClientInterface to extract and follow shortened URLs to their original location.

// @see https://github.com/chillerlan/php-httpinterface
$options                 = new HTTPOptions;
$options->user_agent     = 'my cool user agent 1.0';
$options->ssl_verifypeer = false;
$options->curl_options   = [

$httpClient   = new CurlClient($responseFactory, $options, $logger);
$urlExtractor = new URLExtractor($httpClient, $responseFactory);

$request = $factory->createRequest('GET', 'https://t.co/ZSS6nVOcVp');

$urlExtractor->sendRequest($request); // -> response from the final location

// you can retrieve an array with all followed locations afterwards
$responses = $urlExtractor->getResponses(); // -> ResponseInterface[]

// if you just want the URL of the final location, you can use the extract method:
$url = $urlExtractor->extract('https://t.co/ZSS6nVOcVp'); // -> https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/build


The EchoClient returns a JSON representation the original message:

$echoClient = new EchoClient($responseFactory);

$request  = $requestFactory->createRequest('GET', 'https://example.com?whatever=value');
$response = $echoClient->sendRequest($request);
$json     = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());

Which yields an object similar to the following

	"headers": {
		"Host": "example.com"
	"request": {
		"url": "https://example.com?whatever=value",
		"params": {
			"whatever": "value"
		"method": "GET",
		"target": "/",
		"http": "1.1"
	"body": ""


The LoggingClient wraps a ClientInterface and outputs the HTTP messages in a readable way through a LoggerInterface (do NOT use in production!).

$loggingClient = new LoggingClient($httpClient, $logger);

$loggingClient->sendRequest($request); // -> log to output given via logger

The output looks similar to the following (using monolog):

[2024-03-15 22:10:41][debug] LoggingClientTest:
GET /get HTTP/1.1
Host: httpbin.org

[2024-03-15 22:10:41][debug] LoggingClientTest:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 21:10:40 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 294
Connection: keep-alive
Server: gunicorn/19.9.0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent": "chillerlanPHPUnitHttp/1.0.0 +https://github.com/chillerlan/phpunit-http",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-65f4b950-1f87b9e37182673438091aea"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"


The following classes contain static methods for use with PSR-7 http message objects.


normalize(array $headers)arrayNormalizes an array of header lines to format ["Name" => "Value (, Value2, Value3, ...)", ...] An exception is being made for Set-Cookie, which holds an array of values for each cookie. For multiple cookies with the same name, only the last value will be kept.
trimValues(array $values)arrayTrims whitespace from the header values
normalizeHeaderName(string $name)stringNormalizes a header name, e.g. "conTENT- lenGTh" -> "Content-Length"


cleanParams(iterable $params, int $bool_cast = null, bool $remove_empty = true)arrayCleans/normalizes an array of query parameters, booleans will be converted according to the given $bool_cast constant. By default, booleans will be left as-is (Query::BOOLEANS_AS_BOOL) and may result in empty values. If $remove_empty is set to true, empty non-boolean and null values will be removed from the array. The Query class provides the following constants for $bool_cast:<br>BOOLEANS_AS_BOOL: unchanged boolean value (default)<br>BOOLEANS_AS_INT: integer values 0 or 1<br>BOOLEANS_AS_STRING: "true"/"false" strings<br>BOOLEANS_AS_INT_STRING: "0"/"1" strings
build(array $params, int $encoding = null, string $delimiter = null, string $enclosure = null)stringBuilds a query string from an array of key value pairs, similar to http_build_query. Valid values for $encoding are PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 (default) and PHP_QUERY_RFC1738, any other integer value will be interpreted as "no encoding" (Query::NO_ENCODING).
merge(string $uri, array $query)stringMerges additional query parameters into an existing query string.
parse(string $querystring, int $urlEncoding = null)arrayParses a query string into an associative array, similar to parse_str (without the inconvenient usage of a by-reference result variable).
recursiveRawurlencode(mixed $data)array|stringRecursive rawurlencode


getContents(MessageInterface $message)stringReads the body content of a MessageInterface and makes sure to rewind.
decodeJSON(MessageInterface $message, bool $assoc = false)mixedfetches the body of a MessageInterface and converts it to a JSON object (stdClass) or an associative array if $assoc is set to true and returns the result.
decodeXML(MessageInterface $message, bool $assoc = false)mixedfetches the body of a MessageInterface and converts it to a SimpleXMLElement or an associative array if $assoc is set to true and returns the result.
toString(MessageInterface $message, bool $appendBody = true)stringReturns the string representation of an HTTP message.
toJSON(MessageInterface $message, bool $appendBody = true)stringReturns the string representation of an HTTP message.
decompress(MessageInterface $message)stringDecompresses the message content according to the Content-Encoding header (compress, deflate, gzip, br, zstd) and returns the decompressed data. br and zstd will throw a RuntimeException if the respecive extensions are missing.
setContentLengthHeader(MessageInterface $message)MessageInterfaceSets a Content-Length header in the given message in case it does not exist and body size is not null
setContentTypeHeader(MessageInterface $message, string $filename = null, string $extension = null)MessageInterfaceTries to determine the content type from the given values and sets the Content-Type header accordingly, throws if no mime type could be guessed.
setCookie(ResponseInterface $message, string $name, string $value = null, DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $expiry = null, string $domain = null, string $path = null, bool $secure = false, bool $httpOnly = false, string $sameSite = null)ResponseInterfaceAdds a Set-Cookie header to a ResponseInterface (convenience)
getCookiesFromHeader(MessageInterface $message)array|nullAttempts to extract and parse a cookie from a "Cookie" (user-agent) header


isDefaultPort(UriInterface $uri)boolChecks whether the UriInterface has a port set and if that port is one of the default ports for the given scheme.
isAbsolute(UriInterface $uri)boolChecks whether the URI is absolute, i.e. it has a scheme.
isNetworkPathReference(UriInterface $uri)boolChecks whether the URI is a network-path reference.
isAbsolutePathReference(UriInterface $uri)boolChecks whether the URI is a absolute-path reference.
isRelativePathReference(UriInterface $uri)boolChecks whether the URI is a relative-path reference.
withoutQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, string $key)UriInterfaceRemoves a specific query string value. Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided $key are removed.
withQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, string $key, string $value = null)UriInterfaceAdds a specific query string value. Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided $key are removed and replaced with the given $key-$value pair. A value of null will set the query string key without a value, e.g. "key" instead of "key=value".
parseUrl(string $url)?arrayUTF-8 aware \parse_url() replacement.


getFromExtension(string $extension)?stringGet the mime type for the given file extension (checks against the constant chillerlan\HTTP\Utils\MIMETYPES, a list of mime types from the apache default config)
getFromFilename(string $filename)?stringGet the mime type from a file name
getFromContent(string $content)?stringGet the mime type from the given content


getContents(string $extension)stringReads the content from a stream and make sure we rewind
copyToStream(StreamInterface $source, StreamInterface $destination, int $maxLength = null)intCopies a stream to another stream, starting from the current position of the source stream, reading to the end or until the given maxlength is hit.
tryFopen(string $filename, string $mode, $context = null)resourceSafely open a PHP resource, throws instead of raising warnings and errors
tryGetContents($stream, int $length = null, int $offset = -1)stringSafely get the contents of a stream resource, throws instead of raising warnings and errors
validateMode(string $mode)stringChecks if the given mode is valid for fopen()
modeAllowsReadWrite(string $mode)boolChecks whether the given mode allows reading and writing
modeAllowsReadOnly(string $mode)boolChecks whether the given mode allows only reading
modeAllowsWriteOnly(string $mode)boolChecks whether the given mode allows only writing
modeAllowsRead(string $mode)boolChecks whether the given mode allows reading
modeAllowsWrite(string $mode)boolChecks whether the given mode allows writing


The ServerUtil object requires a set of PSR-17 factories on invocation, namely ServerRequestFactoryInterface, UriFactoryInterface, UploadedFileFactoryInterface and StreamFactoryInterface. It provides convenience methods to create server requests, URIs and uploaded files from the superglobals.

createServerRequestFromGlobals()ServerRequestInterfaceReturns a ServerRequest object populated from the superglobals $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES and $_SERVER.
createUriFromGlobals()UriInterfaceCreates an Uri populated with values from $_SERVER (HTTP_HOST, SERVER_NAME, SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_PORT, REQUEST_URI, QUERY_STRING).
normalizeFiles(array $files)UploadedFileInterface[]Returns an UploadedFile instance array.
createUploadedFileFromSpec(array $value)UploadedFileInterface or UploadedFileInterface[]Creates an UploadedFile instance from a $_FILES specification. If the specification represents an array of values, this method will delegate to normalizeNestedFileSpec() and return that return value.
normalizeNestedFileSpec(array $files):arrayarrayNormalizes an array of file specifications. Loops through all nested files and returns a normalized array of UploadedFileInterface instances.


Implements a HTTP cookie

__construct(string $name, string $value = null)-
__toString()stringreturns the full cookie string to use in a Set-Cookie header
withNameAndValue(string $name, string $value)Cookie
withExpiry(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int|null $expiry)Cookie
withDomain(string|null $domain, bool $punycode = null)Cookie
withPath(string|null $path)Cookie
withSecure(bool $secure)Cookie
withHttpOnly(bool $httpOnly)Cookie
withSameSite(string|null $sameSite)Cookie