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Also called network representation learning, graph embedding, knowledge embedding, etc.

The task is to learn the representations of the vertices from a given network.

CALL FOR HELP: I'm planning to re-organize the papers with clear classification index in the near future. Please feel free to submit a commit if you find any interesting related work:)

<img src="NE.png" width="480">

Paper References with the implementation(s)

Paper References

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks, arxiv'19

Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Differentiable Pooling, NIPS'18

SEMAC, Link Prediction via Subgraph Embedding-Based Convex Matrix Completion, AAAI 2018, Slides

MILE, MILE: A Multi-Level Framework for Scalable Graph Embedding, arxiv'18

MetaGraph2Vec, MetaGraph2Vec: Complex Semantic Path Augmented Heterogeneous Network Embedding

PinSAGE, Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems

Curriculum Learning for Heterogeneous Star Network Embedding via Deep Reinforcement Learning, WSDM '18

Adversarial Network Embedding, arxiv

Role2Vec, Learning Role-based Graph Embeddings

edge2vec, Feature Propagation on Graph: A New Perspective to Graph Representation Learning

MINES, Multi-Dimensional Network Embedding with Hierarchical Structure

Walk-Steered Convolution for Graph Classification

Deep Feature Learning for Graphs, arxiv'17

Fast Linear Model for Knowledge Graph Embeddings, arxiv'17

Network Embedding as Matrix Factorization: Unifying DeepWalk, LINE, PTE, and node2vec, arxiv'17

A Comprehensive Survey of Graph Embedding: Problems, Techniques and Applications, arxiv'17

Representation Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications, IEEE DEB'17

CONE, CONE: Community Oriented Network Embedding, arxiv'17

LANE, Label Informed Attributed Network Embedding, WSDM'17

Graph2Gauss, Deep Gaussian Embedding of Attributed Graphs: Unsupervised Inductive Learning via Ranking, arxiv [Bonus Animation]

Scalable Graph Embedding for Asymmetric Proximity, AAAI'17

Query-based Music Recommendations via Preference Embedding, RecSys'16

Tri-party deep network representation, IJCAI'16

Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Deep Architectures, KDD'15

Neural Word Embedding As Implicit Matrix Factorization, NIPS'14

Distributed large-scale natural graph factorization, WWW'13

From Node Embedding To Community Embedding, arxiv

Walklets: Multiscale Graph Embeddings for Interpretable Network Classification, arxiv

Comprehend DeepWalk as Matrix Factorization, arxiv

Conference & Workshop

Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing, EMNLP'19

SMORe : Modularize Graph Embedding for Recommendation, RecSys'19

13th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, MLG'17

WWW-18 Tutorial Representation Learning on Networks, WWW'18

Related List




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Must-read papers on knowledge representation learning (KRL) / knowledge embedding (KE)

Network Embedding Resources


2vec-type embedding models

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Related Project

Stanford Network Analysis Project website

StellarGraph Machine Learning Library website GitHub