

No longer maintained since April 19 2016


Fresh boilerplate with brand new hot reloading config and other hipster stuff. IE10+

Includes always last versions of:

What you need to do

First of all you need to clone repo and remove it from Git

git clone git@github.com:chicoxyzzy/react-for-hipsters-boilerplate.git
rm -rf .git

After that you should fix package.json file by changing name, author and version fields

Start dev environment

Run npm start and enjoy all modern stuff at http://localhost:3000

Test build with sourcemaps and all that shit

npm run build:test builds all the things to /public

Production build

npm run build:prod builds all the things to /public too

Version bumping

Run npm version patch or npm version minor or npm version major according to SemVer. This will start ESLint and run tests. Notice that you should choose test framework yourself (maybe I'll fix it in future by choosing one for you). If linting and tests pass postversion hook will bump version in package.json, add version tag and push all you commits and tags to your current branch