

<p align="center"> <a href="https://chialab.github.io/dna/"> <img alt="DNA logo" width="144" height="144" src="https://raw.githack.com/chialab/dna/main/logo.svg" /> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <strong>DNA</strong> • Progressive Web Components </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@chialab/dna"><img alt="NPM" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@chialab/dna.svg"></a> </p>


DNA aims to unleash the true power of Custom Elements through a declarative definition API, with builtin elements extension support and a simpler composition mechanism (yes, it does not use ShadowDOM).

Customized built-in elements

DNA simplifies and encourages the use of customized built-in elements, which inherit methods and properties from standard HTML, preserving usability and accessibility features.

Properties, states and attributes

DNA offers @property and @state decorators for adding reactivity to a component's class fields, ensuring that any changes are reflected in the component's template. These properties and states can be monitored, synchronized with attributes, and trigger change events.

Listeners and async events

DNA uses event delegation for listening to events from a component's elements or slotted contents, offering the @listen decorator to streamline the process. Events can be asynchronous and dispatched from the component's class.


DNA uses Quantum instead of ShadowDOM to render slotted children, simplifying the usage of custom elements inside forms and providing a more flexible management of slotted contents. Unlike ShadowDOM, Quantum also works for built-in elements, allowing you to use <slot> even inside buttons.

Get the library

Install via NPM:

npm i @chialab/dna
yarn add @chialab/dna

Define a Component

import { Component, customElement, listen, property } from '@chialab/dna';

class HelloWorld extends Component {
    // define an observed property
    @property() name: string = '';

    render() {
        return (
                <h1>Hello {this.name || 'World'}!</h1>

    // delegate an event
    @listen('change', 'input[name="firstName"]')
    private onChange(event: Event, target: HTMLInputElement) {
        this.name = target.value;

Then use the element in your HTML:



Build status codecov

Build the project

Install the dependencies and run the build script:

yarn install
yarn build

This will generate the bundles in the dist folder, as well as the declaration files.

Test the project

Run the test script:

yarn test


DNA is released under the MIT license.