

Christian's Templater Templates

Found a template your like? Make sure you copy the raw file - not what Github renders. Click this button to see the raw file: image


You will have to define a folder for your userscripts in Templater. Do this in your Templater settings under "Script files folder location". Remember, the scripts are called like this: tp.user.QuickAdd(tp, choices);, where QuickAdd is the case-sensitive name of thie file. So, if you change the file name, change it in the markdown template as well.

Installation of Scripts

  1. Grab both the .md and .js file. Make sure it is the raw markdown file.
  2. Make sure you've set a file path to "Script files folder location" as well as a "Template folder location" in your Templater settings.
  3. Add the .md file ot the folder you've set as your "Template folder location".
  4. Add the .js file ot the folder you've set as your "Script files folder location".

IMPORTANT: If you are inserting a template that has more than text (templater commands, etc), then you need to enable Trigger Templater on file creation.


QuickAdd v2

Please use the QuickAdd plugin instead.


Insert anything from your Readwise account. You will need your Readwise token - which you can get here. It should be able to fetch anything from any time.

To get the main menu, use the readwise.md template. If you want to have a quote fetched from your "supplementals", you can use readwisedaily.md. I use that one in my daily note to show me a quote from one of the books I've marked as "supplemental".

Main menu




Book selected


Write one highlight (select highlight)


Books (dataview)

This is a dataview query. image


Simple markdown templates that augment workflow.


  1. Make sure you've set a path to "Template folder location" in your Templater settings.
  2. Add the .md file ot the folder you've set as your "Template folder location". Make sure this is the raw markdown file. See instructions at the top of the page.



Insert a codebox with the language specifed. Has two predefined languages. image





Insert a LaTeX color with any predefined color. image

Example: \color{black}


Insert a LaTeX environment (without $$$$ - I assume this is already done). image


        // cursor will be set here


This allows you to copy links to files found in a Dataviewjs query. You can customize the format however you want.

DEMO (and my use case): p19qk7DGAX