


blinky is an AUR-helper that is intended to complement the package manager pacman in Archlinux. It supports searching for, installing and upgrading packages from the AUR and is especially built for making upgrades of AUR-packages as painless as possible.

Core Principles

The principles that blinky is based upon are the following:

How to get it

Just install this package from AUR.

How to use it

In particular the currently available options are

blinky will store its data according to the XDG_BASE_DIR-specification, specifically in the directories specified by the XDG_CACHE_HOME (build-files and built packages, ~/.cache/blinky by default) and XDG_DATA_HOME (rewiew-results, ~/.local/share/blinky by default) environment variables respectively.

How to tweak

To enable tab completion in zsh, copy the completion/_blinky file into a directory in your $FPATH (or into a new directory that you add to the $FPATH before compinit is called in your zsh startup).

Completion of package names requires querying AUR and thus has a high latency. To avoid blocking the shell accidentally when completing blinky -S <TAB> (which would result in a list of all AUR packages), a minimum of 4 characters needs to be provided to trigger a query. This can be modified through zstyle:

zstyle :completion:expand-word:complete:blinky:pkgcomp: numbers 4

This only applies to install operation. Locally installed packages get completed for the -Sr* operations regardless of the number of provided characters.