


Before using this library, is important to know what is Inertia.js, what is it for and how it works, in the official Inertia.js website

PHP PSR-15 InertiaJS server-side adapter, it can be used with Mezzio, Slim or any framework that implements PSR-15 interfaces.

The adapter is a PSR-15 middleware to detect InertiaJS requests and prepare and send Response to be read and rendered by InertiaJS front-end components, the usage after installation and configuration can be easy as:

// In some RequestHandlerInterface class

$inertia = $request->getAttribute(InertiaMiddleware::INERTIA_ATTRIBUTE);
return $inertia->render('MyFrontEndComponent', [
    'someProp' => 'someProp Prop Value',
    'ohterProp' => 'ohterProp Prop Value'


A small application was made to demonstrate how this adapter can be used in Mezzio application.

The adapter is designed to work with Mezzio with little effort, in the following we assume that a Mezzio application was generated using Mezzio Skeleton and Twig was selected as the template engine:


1- Install the adapter:

composer require cherif/inertia-psr15

2- Add the inertia middleware to the middlewares pipeline:


// ...
// - $app->pipe('/files', $filesMiddleware);

// Register the routing middleware in the middleware pipeline.
// This middleware registers the Mezzio\Router\RouteResult request attribute.

// ...

3- Please refer to InertiaJS to install a client-side adapter.

4- Using Webpack is recommended in order to build the front-end application, however, to render the built JS/CSS assets in a Twig template the following extension can be used:

composer require fullpipe/twig-webpack-extension

a factory might be needed to configure the Webpack extension

5- Configure the templte to use Webpack extension and the Inertia Twig extension shipped with the adapter by apdating config/autoload/template.global.php and webpack.global.php like the following:


// template.global.php


use Cherif\InertiaPsr15\Twig\InertiaExtension;
use Fullpipe\TwigWebpackExtension\WebpackExtension;

return [
    'templates' => [
        'paths' => [
            'error' => [dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/templates/error'],
            '__main__' => [dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/templates']
    'twig' => [
        'extensions' => [

// webpack.global.php


return [
    'webpack' => [
        'manifest_file' => dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/public/build/manifest.json',
        'public_dir' => dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/build',

6- The adapter needs just one backend template to render the application and by default it will look for templates/app.html.twig if a default template is not configured, the app template can be like the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        {% webpack_entry_css 'build/app' %}
        {{ inertia(page) }}
        {% webpack_entry_js 'build/runtime' %}
        {% webpack_entry_js 'build/app' defer %}

The template uses Webpack extension (webpack_entry_css, webpack_entry_js) to render the assets and Inertia extension inertia(page) to mount the front-end application.

After successful configuration the adapter can be used to render the front-end component instead of the HTML templates:


namespace App\Handler;

use Cherif\InertiaPsr15\Middleware\InertiaMiddleware;
use Cherif\InertiaPsr15\Service\InertiaInterface;
use Mezzio\LaminasView\LaminasViewRenderer;
use Mezzio\Plates\PlatesRenderer;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        /** @var InertiaInterface $inertia */
        $inertia = $request->getAttribute(InertiaMiddleware::INERTIA_ATTRIBUTE);
        return $inertia->render('Home', [
            'greeting' => 'Hello Inertia PSR-15'


Mohammed Cherif BOUCHELAGHEM 2021