


This is a Tensorflow implementation of ResNet, compatible with Tensorflow 1.2.1.

Currently it only supports testing the 101 layer model by converting the caffemodel provided by Kaiming. Although supporting other ResNet variants and training should be quick and easy.

The caffemodel2npy.py is modified from here, and the resnet_model.py is modified from here.

Example Usage

python caffemodel2npy.py ../ResNet/ResNet-101-deploy.prototxt ../ResNet/ResNet-101-model.caffemodel ./model/ResNet101.npy
python npy2tfmodel.py 0 ./model/ResNet101.npy ./model/ResNet101_init.tfmodel
python resnet_main.py 0 single
python resnet_main.py 0 imagenet


The converted ResNet 101 model achieves top 5 error of 7.48% and top 1 error of 24.58% on ILSVRC12 validation set. This is without any cropping/flipping/multi-scale, using only the original image.