Livox Camera Simulation
This is a ros package for sensor simulation for cameras and lidar. This repo is built based on the livox simulator.
- enviroment: ROS melodic + gazebo7
- pointcloud type: sensor_msg::pointcloud2(pcl::Pointcloud<pcl::PointXYZ>)
roslauch livox_laser_simulation livox_simulation.launch
to see.
Change sensor by change the following lines in the robot.xacro into another xacro file.
<xacro:include filename="$(find livox_laser_simulation)/urdf/livox_horizon.xacro"/>
<Livox_Horizon name="livox" visualize="true" publish_pointcloud_type="2"/>
You can change the extrinsic parameters between camera and Livox in file "robot.xacro"
<xacro:usb_cam parent="livox_base" xyz="0.1 0.3 0.2" rpy="0 ${M_PI/40} ${M_PI/20}"/>
And we supply a Matlab script (src/GtCalc.m) to convert this xyz and rpy into extrinsic matrix. You need to change this two line:
xyz=[0.1 0.3 0.2]; % parameters in Gazebo
rpy=[0 pi/40 pi/20]; % parameters in Gazebo
- avia.csv
- horizon.csv
- mid40.csv
- mid70.csv
- tele.csv
File Structure
├── include: "Header files"
│ └── livox_laser_simulation
├── launch "launch files"
├── meshes "The 3D model of livox"
├── resources "Images for demostration"
├── rviz "Rviz configuration files"
├── scan_mode "csv files that contains the scanning pattern of Livox"
├── src "Plugin source files"
├── urdf "Robot and sensors' definition in Gazebo"
└── worlds "The world definition in Gazebo"
- Revise this readme