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Full featured list build for mobile first, while design ignorant.



npm i mobile-list


var List = require('mobile-list')
var template = require('./template.html')
var list = new List(template, window, {
  selector: 'ul.mylist'
api.loadUsers(function(err, arr) {



List(template, scrollable, [option])

List inherits all methods from list-render, the extra methods are shown below


Use iscroll for smooth scrolling, set option.handlebar to true if your want handlebar to show

.pullToRefresh([option], callback)


Use more for loading more data,

callback should return promise which resolve an array of data(or reject error) for render

.bind(type, selector, handler)

Delegate event type to selector with handler, handler is called with event and a reactive model


Make list works on local model, which means sort, filter and paging only happens locally

.sort(field, dir, [method])

Sort the data by field, direction or method, when it's remote mode(default mode), emit event only

.filter(field, val|function)

Filter the data by field, val or function, when it's remote mode(default mode), emit event only


Let pull-to-refresh to refresh more data


Set total data count for paging, can not used for local mode


Remove all rendered repeat elements and unbind all events