

formvalidation.jsBuild Status

HTML5 forms polyfill.

NO LONGER SUPPORTED. Take a look at https://github.com/chemerisuk/better-form-validation for a better approach.


Example usage

All you need is to include several additional files on your page:

    <link href="formvalidation.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src="formvalidation.js"></script>

No initialization is required, it just works. And even for dynamic content. So it's perfect for single-page websites with ajax navigation.

JavaScript API

Plugin uses standards-based javascript API to display validation messages programmatically. So you may use any source which describes HTML5 Constraint Validation API. For example look at the appropriate section on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Forms_in_HTML.


All message strings are stored in css. To display them data-i18n attribute is used with combination of :before pseudoelement:

[data-i18n="validity.value.missing"]:before { content: "Please fill this field" }
[data-i18n="validity.type.mismatch"]:before { content: "Value has illegal format" }
[data-i18n="validity.email.mismatch"]:before { content: "Should be a valid email" }

:lang selector allows to target specific language and localize strings for it:

[data-i18n="validity.value.missing"]:lang(ru):before { content: "Это поле не может быть пустым" }
[data-i18n="validity.type.mismatch"]:lang(ru):before { content: "Введенное значение имеет недопустимый формат" }
[data-i18n="validity.email.mismatch"]:lang(ru):before { content: "Здесь должен быть правильный email" }

Therefore you need an appropriate lang attribute value for the <html> element to change plugin language.


  1. add input[type=number] support with spin buttons
  2. IE8 support?

Browser support

It's possible to add IE8 support, but not IE6-7 (these dinosaurs do not support DOM object prototypes)