

Build Status


devicemapper, otherwise known as LVM2, refers to the userspace toolset that provide logical volume management facilities on linux. See documentation


Type of Package

Binary package

Use as Dependency

Binary packages can be set as runtime or build time dependencies. See Defining your dependencies for more information.

To add core/devicemapper as a dependency, you can add one of the following to your plan file.

Buildtime Dependency


Runtime dependency


Use as Tool


To install this plan, you should run the following commands to first install, and then link the binaries this plan creates.

hab pkg install core/devicemapper --binlink

will add the following binaries to the PATH:

For example:

$ hab pkg install core/devicemapper --binlink
» Installing core/devicemapper
☁ Determining latest version of core/devicemapper in the 'stable' channel
→ Found newer installed version (core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014) than remote version (core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200511075902)
→ Using core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014
★ Install of core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 complete with 0 new packages installed.
» Binlinking vgextend from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgextend from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgextend
» Binlinking vgcfgrestore from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgcfgrestore from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgcfgrestore
» Binlinking vgreduce from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgreduce from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgreduce
» Binlinking pvscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvscan
» Binlinking vgscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgscan
» Binlinking vgmerge from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgmerge from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgmerge
» Binlinking pvs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvs
» Binlinking vgrename from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgrename from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgrename
» Binlinking lvcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvcreate
» Binlinking pvresize from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvresize from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvresize
» Binlinking vgconvert from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgconvert from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgconvert
» Binlinking blkdeactivate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked blkdeactivate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/blkdeactivate
» Binlinking lvm from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvm from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvm
» Binlinking fsadm from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked fsadm from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/fsadm
» Binlinking lvresize from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvresize from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvresize
» Binlinking vgremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgremove
» Binlinking pvck from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvck from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvck
» Binlinking vgdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgdisplay
» Binlinking pvdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvdisplay
» Binlinking vgs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgs
» Binlinking lvs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvs from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvs
» Binlinking vgexport from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgexport from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgexport
» Binlinking dmsetup from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked dmsetup from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/dmsetup
» Binlinking lvmsadc from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvmsadc from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvmsadc
» Binlinking vgsplit from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgsplit from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgsplit
» Binlinking lvchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvchange
» Binlinking lvmdump from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvmdump from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvmdump
» Binlinking lvmconfig from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvmconfig from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvmconfig
» Binlinking pvchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvchange
» Binlinking lvremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvremove
» Binlinking lvdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvdisplay from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvdisplay
» Binlinking lvmdiskscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvmdiskscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvmdiskscan
» Binlinking vgimportclone from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgimportclone from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgimportclone
» Binlinking vgimport from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgimport from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgimport
» Binlinking vgcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgcreate
» Binlinking lvreduce from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvreduce from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvreduce
» Binlinking dmstats from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked dmstats from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/dmstats
» Binlinking pvmove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvmove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvmove
» Binlinking vgcfgbackup from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgcfgbackup from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgcfgbackup
» Binlinking lvconvert from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvconvert from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvconvert
» Binlinking pvcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvcreate from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvcreate
» Binlinking lvextend from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvextend from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvextend
» Binlinking pvremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked pvremove from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/pvremove
» Binlinking lvrename from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvrename from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvrename
» Binlinking vgchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgchange from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgchange
» Binlinking lvscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvscan from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvscan
» Binlinking vgmknodes from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgmknodes from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgmknodes
» Binlinking lvmsar from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked lvmsar from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/lvmsar
» Binlinking vgck from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 into /bin
★ Binlinked vgck from core/devicemapper/2.03.00/20200819152014 to /bin/vgck

core/devicemapper as a stand alone binary, you must configure ...

Using an example binary

You can now use the binary as normal. For example:

/bin/vgs --help or vgs --help

$ vgs --help
  vgs - Display information about volume groups

        [ -a|--all ]
        [ -o|--options String ]
        [ -S|--select String ]
        [ -O|--sort String ]
        [    --aligned ]
        [    --binary ]