

Build Status


DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs, providing a single front-end for all tests. See documentation


Type of Package

Binary package

Use as Dependency

Binary packages can be set as runtime or build time dependencies. See Defining your dependencies for more information.

To add core/dejagnu as a dependency, you can add one of the following to your plan file.

Buildtime Dependency


Runtime dependency


Use as Tool


To install this plan, you should run the following commands to first install, and then link the binaries this plan creates.

hab pkg install core/dejagnu --binlink

will add the following binary to the PATH:

For example:

$ hab pkg install core/dejagnu --binlink
» Installing core/dejagnu
☁ Determining latest version of core/dejagnu in the 'stable' channel
→ Found newer installed version (core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758) than remote version (core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200306004947)
→ Using core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758
★ Install of core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758 complete with 0 new packages installed.
» Binlinking runtest from core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758 into /bin
★ Binlinked runtest from core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758 to /bin/runtest
Additional Steps

To use core/dejagnu as a stand alone binary, you must configure the runtime environment otherwise an error like the following will appear:

$ runtest --help
ERROR: runtest.exp does not exist

To solve this, Habitat provides a shortcut hab pkg exec to configure the environment and run the executable. For example:

$ hab pkg exec core/dejagnu runtest --help
WARNING: Couldn't find the global config file.
USAGE: runtest [options...]
        --all, -a               Print all test output to screen
        --build [triplet]       The canonical triplet of the build machine
        --debug                 Set expect debugging ON
        --directory name        Run only the tests in directory 'name'

Another configuration option is (1) to include the PATH directories defined in the RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT file:

$ cat $(hab pkg path core/dejagnu)/RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT

and (2) to append the above to the PATH:

$ PATH=${PATH}:/hab/pkgs/core/dejagnu/1.6.2/20200605223758/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/expect/5.45.4/20200306004814/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/coreutils/8.30/20200305231640/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/sed/4.5/20200305230928/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/grep/3.3/20200305232635/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/glibc/2.29/20200305172459/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/tcl/8.6.9/20200306004342/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/acl/2.2.53/20200305230628/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/attr/2.4.48/20200305230504/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/libcap/2.27/20200305230759/bin:/hab/pkgs/core/pcre/8.42/20200305232429/bin

Using the runtest binary

Assuming the runtime environment has been configured, you can now use the binary as normal:

/bin/runtest --help or runtest --help

$ runtest --help
WARNING: Couldn't find the global config file.
USAGE: runtest [options...]
        --all, -a               Print all test output to screen
        --build [triplet]       The canonical triplet of the build machine
        --debug                 Set expect debugging ON
        --directory name        Run only the tests in directory 'name'