

MixtureGrowth: Growing Neural Networks by Recombining Learned Parameters

This repo contains a Pytorch implementation for MixtureGrowth.

If you find this code useful in your research then please cite

     author={Chau Pham and Piotr Teterwak and Soren Nelson and Bryan A. Plummer},
     title={MixtureGrowth: Growing Neural Networks by Recombining Learned Parameters},
     booktitle={IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},

This code was tested using pytorch v2.0 and python 3.10.


To set up the environment, clone this repo and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training New Models

You can train a model using scripts in scripts/cifar/template_mixing and scripts/imagenet/template_mixing with the following command:

./scripts/[dataset]/template_mixing/ours.sh <NUM GPUS> <DATASET> <TAG> <ADDITIONAL ARGUMENTS>

For example, for CIFAR-100:

./scripts/cifar/template_mixing/ours.sh 1 cifar100 first_run --template_size 0.5,0.5,1 --growth_epochs 200 --ensemble_train_epochs 200 --epochs 440

Thi will fully train a WRN-28-5 on CIFAR-100 for 200 epochs (network 1), then train another WRN-28-5 on CIFAR-100 for 200 epochs (network 2). Finally, it combines networks 1 and 2, and grows to a WRN-28-10. The fully grown network is then further trained for an additional 40 epochs.

Similarly, for CIFAR-10:

./scripts/cifar/template_mixing/ours.sh 1 cifar10 run_cifar10 --template_size 0.5,0.5,1 --growth_epochs 200 --ensemble_train_epochs 200 --epochs 440 

For ImageNet, modify the dataset path in scripts/imagenet/template_mixing/ours_bank.sh and run:

./scripts/imagenet/template_mixing/ours_bank.sh 2 imagenet run_imagenet --template_size 0.5,0.5,1 --growth_epochs 90 --ensemble_train_epochs 74 --epochs 178  

You can see a listing and description of many parameter settings with:

python main.py --help

Some key arguments would be:

--template_size[list] indicates the size of template at each growth step
--growth_epochsAt which epoch we start to grow
--ensemble_train_epochsNumber of epochs we continue to train before growing to the fully grown network
--epochsTotal training epochs


You can test a model using:

./scripts/cifar/template_mixing/ours_test.sh <NUM GPUS> <DATASET> <TAG> <ADDITIONAL ARGUMENTS>

For example:

./scripts/cifar/template_mixing/ours_test.sh 1 cifar100 first_run