


enum-xyz offers a way to generate enums in JavaScript leveraging the power of Proxies. It supports various casing styles, transformations, and other customization options.

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ENUM-XYZ Continuous Integration

Note: This library is not yet at version 1.0.0. As such, breaking changes may occur in subsequent releases. Please ensure you read the release notes when updating.


$ npm install enum-xyz --save


String Enums

import Enum from "enum-xyz";

const { Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring } = Enum.String();

console.log(Summer); // Outputs: "Summer"

Options for String Enums:

const { userId, userAddress } = Enum.String({ casing: 'kebabCase' });
console.log(userId); // Outputs: "user-id"

const options = {
  casing: 'kebabCase',
  transform: (value) => `https://api.example.com/${value}`
const { userEndpoint, orderEndpoint } = Enum.String(options);
console.log(userEndpoint); // Outputs: "https://api.example.com/user-endpoint"

Numeric Enums

Starts from 0 by default:

import Enum from "enum-xyz";

const { A, B, C, D } = Enum.Numeric();

console.log(A); // Outputs: 0

Options for Numeric Enums:

const { A, B, C } = Enum.Numeric({ startIndex: 5, step: 2 });
console.log(A); // Outputs: 5
console.log(B); // Outputs: 7

Symbol Enums

import Enum from "enum-xyz";

const { blue, red } = Enum.Symbol();

console.log(blue); // Outputs: Symbol(blue)

Options for Symbol Enums:

const { blueGlobal } = Enum.Symbol({ global: true });
console.log(blueGlobal); // Outputs: Symbol.for('blueGlobal')