


<p> <a href="https://stuff.charm.sh/freeze/freeze-4k.png"><img src="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/25087/de76b799-fa67-4b5b-8da2-d990ca5b4e06" width="500" /></a><br> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/releases"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/charmbracelet/freeze.svg" alt="Latest Release"></a> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/actions"><img src="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/workflows/build/badge.svg" alt="Build Status"></a> </p>

Generate images of code and terminal output.

<p align="left"> <a><img width="600" src="https://vhs.charm.sh/vhs-1C6z5SUKlTdqdj4KL1ADlH.gif" alt="Freeze code screenshot"></a> </p>


Freeze generates PNGs, SVGs, and WebPs of code and terminal output alike.

Generate an image of code

freeze artichoke.hs -o artichoke.png
<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/f15efdda-8e9b-4cb1-9e87-3d32b692eb7c"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block" src="./test/golden/svg/shadow.svg" width="800" /> </a> </p>

Generate an image of terminal output

You can use freeze to capture ANSI output of a terminal command with the --execute flag.

freeze --execute "eza -lah"
<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/aa5447ed-999a-4809-909d-67093d758f5a"> <img alt="output of freeze command, ANSI" src="./test/golden/svg/eza.svg" width="800" /> </a> </p>

Freeze is also super customizable and ships with an interactive TUI.


# macOS or Linux
brew install charmbracelet/tap/freeze

# Arch Linux (btw)
yay -S freeze

# Nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.charm-freeze

Or, download it:

Or, just install it with go:

go install github.com/charmbracelet/freeze@latest


Interactive mode

Freeze features a fully interactive mode for easy customization.

freeze --interactive
<img alt="freeze interactive mode" src="https://vhs.charm.sh/vhs-1AGhIlc2Mtn9Ltc8vPtaAP.gif" width="400" />

Settings are written to $XDG_CONFIG/freeze/user.json and can be accessed with freeze --config user.


Screenshots can be customized with --flags or Configuration files.

[!NOTE] You can view all freeze customization with freeze --help.


If possible, freeze auto-detects the language from the file name or analyzing the file contents. Override this inference with the --language flag.

cat artichoke.hs | freeze --language haskell
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/d746f028-3d51-4bfd-ba81-94bbc47b3587"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block" src="./test/golden/svg/haskell.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Change the color theme.

freeze artichoke.hs --theme dracula
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/c693dc80-89b8-43c6-a34e-2d49a332d0c7"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with dracula theme" src="./test/golden/svg/dracula.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Change the output file location, defaults to out.svg or stdout if piped. This value supports .svg, .png, .webp.

freeze main.go --output out.svg
freeze main.go --output out.png
freeze main.go --output out.webp

# or all of the above
freeze main.go --output out.{svg,png,webp}


Specify the font family, font size, and font line height of the output image. Defaults to JetBrains Mono, 14(px), 1.2(em).

freeze artichoke.hs \
  --font.family "SF Mono" \
  --font.size 16 \
  --line-height 1.4

You can also embed a font file (in TTF, WOFF, or WOFF2 format) using the --font.file flag.

To use ligatures in the font, you can apply the --font.ligatures flag.

Line Numbers

Show line numbers in the terminal window with the --show-line-numbers flag.

freeze artichoke.hs --show-line-numbers

To capture only a specific range of line numbers you can use the --lines flag.

freeze artichoke.hs --show-line-numbers --lines 2,3

Border Radius

Add rounded corners to the terminal.

freeze artichoke.hs --border.radius 8
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/50932b10-56fd-4312-adbd-f64b36a15441"> <img alt="code screenshot with corner radius of 8px" src="./test/golden/svg/border-radius.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Add window controls to the terminal, macOS-style.

freeze artichoke.hs --window
<a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/ba46bc4a-fb36-4718-88d4-f63b93343615"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with window controls applied" src="./test/golden/svg/window.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Set the background color of the terminal window.

freeze artichoke.hs --background "#08163f"


Set the height of the terminal window.

freeze artichoke.hs --height 400

Border Width

Add a border outline to the terminal window.

freeze artichoke.hs --border.width 1 --border.color "#515151" --border.radius 8
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/b9207976-50fe-479b-974b-e1bf2ad1684c"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with border applied" src="./test/golden/svg/border-width.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Add padding to the terminal window. You can provide 1, 2, or 4 values.

freeze main.go --padding 20          # all sides
freeze main.go --padding 20,40       # vertical, horizontal
freeze main.go --padding 20,60,20,40 # top, right, bottom, left
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/41da80bb-a6d8-402b-9f14-c73050720c0f"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with padding applied" src="./test/golden/svg/padding.svg" width="600" /> </a>


Add margin to the terminal window. You can provide 1, 2, or 4 values.

freeze main.go --margin 20          # all sides
freeze main.go --margin 20,40       # vertical, horizontal
freeze main.go --margin 20,60,20,40 # top, right, bottom, left
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/eca78a8e-2dbc-4cfa-81da-6c2194925238"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with margin applied" src="./test/golden/svg/margin.svg" width="720" /> </a>


Add a shadow under the terminal window.

freeze artichoke.hs --shadow.blur 20 --shadow.x 0 --shadow.y 10
<br /> <a href="https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze/assets/42545625/b9a8cc17-5ec6-4004-941b-5ae1b65d2b18"> <img alt="output of freeze command, Haskell code block with a shadow" src="./test/golden/svg/shadow.svg" width="720" /> </a>

Screenshot TUIs

Use tmux capture-pane to generate screenshots of TUIs.

Run your TUI in tmux and get it to the state you want to capture. Next, use capture-pane to capture the pane and pipe that to freeze.

hx # in a separate pane
tmux capture-pane -pet 1 | freeze -c full
<img width="650px" src="./test/golden/svg/helix.svg" alt="helix captured with freeze">


Freeze also supports configuration via a JSON file which can be passed with the --config / -c flag. In general, all --flag options map directly to keys and values in the config file

There are also some default configurations built into freeze which can be passed by name.

If you use --interactive mode, a configuration file will be created for you at ~/.config/freeze/user.json. This will be the default configuration file used in your screenshots.

freeze -c base main.go
freeze -c full main.go
freeze -c user main.go # alias for ~/.config/freeze/user.json
freeze -c ./custom.json main.go

Here's what an example configuration looks like:

  "window": false,
  "border": {
    "radius": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "color": "#515151"
  "shadow": false,
  "padding": [20, 40, 20, 20],
  "margin": "0",
  "font": {
    "family": "JetBrains Mono",
    "size": 14
  "line_height": 1.2


We’d love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note!



Part of Charm.

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