

Tmux Plugin - get cpu model name and count

This is an plugin that fetching cpu info of the server, and count cpu.

This plugin is compatible with Tmux plugin manager(TPM)

This pllugin should work with any themes well.


Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)


Due to using the command set -ga status-left / status-right

And it would be better put tmux-cpu-model config lines **AFTER** status style like setup !

Status left / right length will be added by 40 automatically, because this plugin will use 40 characters


Make sure set these config lines AFTER theme plugin

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'charlietag/tmux-cpu-model'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

CPU model name and counts will now display in status-left or status-right, after the config setup and reloaded.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/charlietag/tmux-cpu-model.git ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/cpu-model.tmux

Reload TMUX environment:

# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

CPU model name and counts will now display in status-left or status-right, after the config setup and reloaded.


tmux-cpu-mode-left:<br/> tmux-cpu-mode-left

tmux-cpu-mode-right:<br/> tmux-cpu-mode-right


Here are all available options with their default values:

@cpu-model-mode 'left'                              # [ left | right | none ]
@cpu-model-info 'simple'                            # [ simple | detail ]
@cpu-model-colour 'fg=colour232,bg=colour2,bold'    # define style for the displayed cpu info

@cpu-model-colour-dark-mode 'on'                    # [ on | off] , default off
@cpu-model-colour-dark 'fg=colour252,bg=black,bold' # define style for the displayed cpu info (DARK MODE)


Sample config in ~/.tmux.conf

# For installing plugin - tmux-cpu-model --- Must put these lines after plugins which change status-style like powerline-themes
# ... theme plugins before tmux-cpu-model plugin...
set -g @plugin 'charlietag/tmux-cpu-model'

# Automatically **append** cpu model into "status-left" or "status-right"
set -g @cpu-model-mode 'left'                                 # [ left | right | none ]

# simple - only CPU frequency(GHz) xCore
# detail - CPU Model name , frequency(GHz) xCore
set -g @cpu-model-info 'simple'                               # [ simple | detail ]
set -g @cpu-model-colour 'fg=colour232,bg=colour252,bold'

set -g @cpu-model-colour-dark-mode 'on' # [ on | off] , default off
set -g @cpu-model-colour-dark 'fg=colour252,bg=black,bold'    # define style for the displayed cpu info (DARK MODE)

Reload tmux config and check your cpu model name and counts

Other goodies


MIT license