

Exemplar Guided Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Semantic Consistency

Tensorflow implementation of ICLR 2019 paper Exemplar Guided Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Semantic Consistency

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Network architecture

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Information flow diagrams

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TF-record data preparation steps (Optional)

You can skip this data preparation procedure if directly using the tf-record data files.

  1. cd datasets
  2. ./run_convert_mnist.sh to download and convert mnist and mnist_multi to tf-record format.
  3. ./run_convert_gta_bdd.sh to convert the images and segmentation to tf-record format. You need to download data from GTA5 website and BDD website. Note: this script will reuse gta data downloaded and processed in ./run_convert_gta_bdd.sh
  4. ./run_convert_celeba.sh to convert the images to tf-record format. You can directly download the prepared data or download and process data from CelebA website .

Training steps

  1. Replace the links data, logs, weights with your own directories or links.
  2. Download VGG19 into 'weights' directory.
  3. Download the tf-record training data to the data_parent_dir (default ./data).
  4. Modify the data_parent_dir, checkpoint_dir and comment/uncomment the target experiment in the run_train_feaMask.sh and run_train_EGSCIT.sh scripts.
  5. Run run_train_feaMask.sh to pretrain the feature mask network. Then run run_train_EGSCIT.sh.

Testing steps

  1. Replace the links data, logs, weights with your own directories or links.
  2. (Optional) Download the pretrained models to the checkpoint_dir (default ./logs).
  3. Download the tf-record testing data to the data_parent_dir (default ./data).
  4. Modify the data_parent_dir, checkpoint_dir and comment/uncomment the target experiment in the run_test_EGSCIT.sh script.
  5. run run_test_EGSCIT.sh.


  title={Exemplar Guided Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Semantic Consistency},
  author={Ma, Liqian and Jia, Xu and Georgoulis, Stamatios and Tuytelaars, Tinne and Van Gool, Luc},

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