



5 ~ TopUser AppletThe user application.
4 ~ HighgelGame Engine Library.
3 ~ MidopenglOpenGL rendering support (2D/3D).
physicsPhysics space/dynamics support (2D/3D).
2 ~ LowcolladaProvides a Collada parser.
1 ~ BaselaceProvides core types and a namespace for the Lace package family.
lace/eventsProvides an event mechanism for event-driven applets.
mathProvides core math functionality.
xmlProvides a simple XML parser.

Lace/Events additionally:


The development packages for the following projects need to be installed on your OS.

Example for Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install libbullet-dev libflorist2016-dev libfreetype6-dev libexpat1-dev libsdl2-dev

Adding the following lines to ~/.bashrc (or equivalent) will set the GPR_PROJECT_PATH for all gnat project files:

export opengl_profile=desk
export opengl_platform=glx
export restrictions=xgc
export OS=Linux
export FLORIST_BUILD=default

export LACE=/path/to/lace
source $LACE/lace-gpr_paths.sh

Of course, substitute '/path/to/lace' with the actual path you use.

This should allow any Lace component to be 'with'ed in a user applications gnat project file.

Lace/openGL contains a set of assets (fonts, shaders, etc). These need to be available in each openGL demo folder.

Lace/mmi contains a set of assets (fonts, etc). These need to be available in each mmi demo folder.


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