

This is a fork of the OpenOOD repository, containing cadet_intra and cadet_outer postprocessors from the paper CADet: Fully Self-Supervised Out-Of-Distribution Detection With Contrastive Learning.

The code to compute the intra similarity score is in postprocessors/cadet_intra_postprocessors.py and the code to compute the outer similarity score is in postprocessors/cadet_outer_postprocessors.py (Note: the outer similarity postprocessor is not implemented yet and will be in the upcoming days).


please cite our paper as:

@inproceedings{guille2023cadet, <br> title={CADet: Fully Self-Supervised Out-Of-Distribution Detection With Contrastive Learning}, <br> author={Guille-Escuret, Charles and Rodriguez, Pau and Vazquez, David and Mitliagkas, Ioannis and Monteiro, Joao}, <br> booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, <br> year={2023} <br> }