

<h1>Chaotic's Nyx</h1>

<img alt="Six frogs with capes, aligned like the NixOS logo, with intercalated shades of green" src="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PedroHLC/f6eaa9dfcf190e18b753e98fd265c8d3/raw/nix-frog-with-capes-web.svg" width="35%" /><br/>

<img alt="GitHub's menu buttons re-ordered and re-labeled to say: Make Pull requests Not Issues. Sounding like Make Love Not War" src="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PedroHLC/eba5644666a1f2f007319d566ab77a83/raw/91c6064eb0d5cd1e19ac76a48acda87996f330f9/make-pr-not-issues.svg" width="330" height="49" /><br/>

<p>Nix flake for "too much bleeding-edge" and unreleased packages (e.g., mesa_git, linux_cachyos, firefox_nightly, sway_git, gamescope_git). And experimental modules (e.g., HDR, duckdns).</p> <p>From the <a href="https://github.com/chaotic-cx">Chaotic Linux User Group (LUG)</a>, the same one that maintains <a href="https://aur.chaotic.cx">Chaotic-AUR</a>! 🧑🏻‍💻</p> <p>The official source-code repository is available <a href="https://github.com/chaotic-cx/nyx">as "chaotic-cx/nyx" at GitHub</a>.</p>

<strong>PLEASE AVOID POSTING ISSUES IN NIXOS' MATRIX, DISCOURSE, DISCORD, ETC. USE <a href="https://github.com/chaotic-cx/nyx/issues">OUR REPO'S ISSUES</a>, <a href="https://t.me/chaotic_nyx_sac" target="_blank">TELEGRAM GROUP</a>, OR <code>#chaotic-nyx:ubiquelambda.dev</code> ON <a href="https://matrix.to/#/#chaotic-nyx:ubiquelambda.dev" target="_blank">MATRIX</a> INSTEAD.</strong>

<ul> <li><a href="#news">News</a></li> <li> <a href="#how-to-use-it">How to use it</a><br/> <ul> <li><a href="#on-nixos">On NixOS</a><br/></li> <li><a href="#on-home-manager">On Home-Manager</a><br/></li> <li><a href="#running-packages-without-installing">Running packages (without installing)</a><br/></li> <li><a href="#binary-cache-notes">Binary Cache notes</a><br/></li> <li><a href="#flakehub-notes">FlakeHub notes</a><br/></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#lists-of-options-and-packages">Lists of options and packages</a></li> <li> <a href="#harder-stuff">Harder stuff</a><br/> <ul> <li><a href="#using-sched-ext-schedulers">Using linux-cachyos with sched-ext</a><br/></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#notes">Notes</a></li> <li><a href="#why-am-i-building-a-kernel-basic-cache-troubleshooting">Why am I building a kernel? Basic cache troubleshooting</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="news">News</h2> <p>A news channel can be found <a href="https://t.me/s/chaotic_nyx">on Telegram</a>.</p> <h2 id="how-to-use-it">How to use it</h2> <h3 id="on-nixos">On NixOS</h3> <p>We recommend integrating this repo using Flakes:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { description = "My configuration"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; chaotic.url = "github:chaotic-cx/nyx/nyxpkgs-unstable"; }; outputs = { nixpkgs, chaotic, ... }: { nixosConfigurations = { hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ ./configuration.nix # Your system configuration. chaotic.nixosModules.default # OUR DEFAULT MODULE ]; }; }; }; } </code></pre> <p>In your <code>configuration.nix</code> enable the packages and options that you prefer:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.lan-mouse_git ]; chaotic.mesa-git.enable = true; } </code></pre> <h3 id="on-home-manager">On Home-Manager</h3> <p>This method is for home-manager setups <strong>without NixOS</strong>.</p> <p>We recommend integrating this repo using Flakes:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { description = "My configuration"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; chaotic.url = "github:chaotic-cx/nyx/nyxpkgs-unstable"; home-manager = { url = "github:nix-community/home-manager"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; outputs = { nixpkgs, chaotic, ... }: { homeConfigurations = { hostname = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration { pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux; modules = [ ./home-manager/default.nix chaotic.homeManagerModules.default # OUR DEFAULT MODULE ]; }; }; }; } </code></pre> <p>In your <code>home-manager/default.nix</code> add a <code>nix.package</code>, and enable the desired packages:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { pkgs, ... }: { nix.package = pkgs.nix; home.packages = [ pkgs.lan-mouse_git ]; } </code></pre> <h3 id="running-packages-without-installing">Running packages (without installing)</h2> <p>Besides using our module/overlay, you can run packages (without installing them) using:</p> <pre lang="sh"><code class="language-sh"> nix run github:chaotic-cx/nyx/nyxpkgs-unstable#firefox_nightly </code></pre> <h3 id="binary-cache-notes">Binary Cache notes</h3> <p>You'll get the binary cache added to your configuration as soon as you add our default module. We do this automatically, so we can gracefully update the cache's address and keys without prompting you for manual work.</p> <p>If you dislike this behavior for any reason, you can disable it with <code>chaotic.nyx.cache.enable = false</code>.</p> <p><strong>Remember</strong>: If you want to fetch derivations from our cache, you'll need to enable our module and rebuild your system <strong>before</strong> adding these derivations to your configuration.</p> <p>Commands like <code>nix run ...</code>, <code>nix develop ...</code>, and others, when using our flake as input, will ask you to add the cache interactively when missing from your user's nix settings.</p> <p>If you want to use the cache right from the <strong>installation media</strong>, install your system using <code>nixos-install --flake /mnt/etc/nixos#mymachine --option 'extra-substituters' 'https://chaotic-nyx.cachix.org/' --option extra-trusted-public-keys "chaotic-nyx.cachix.org-1:HfnXSw4pj95iI/n17rIDy40agHj12WfF+Gqk6SonIT8="</code> (replace <code>mymachine</code> with your new host's name).</p> <h3 id="flakehub-notes">FlakeHub notes</h3>

<a href="https://flakehub.com/flake/chaotic-cx/nyx"><img alt="FlakeHub" src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://flakehub.com/f/chaotic-cx/nyx/badge" /></a>

<p>Add chaotic to your <code>flake.nix</code>, make sure to use the rolling <code>*.tar.gz</code> to keep using the latest packages:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { inputs.chaotic.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/chaotic-cx/nyx/*.tar.gz"; } </code></pre> <p>Then follow one of the guides above.</p> <h2 id="lists-of-options-and-packages">Lists of options and packages</h2> <!-- cut here --><p>An always up-to-date list of all our options and packages is available at: <a href="https://www.nyx.chaotic.cx/#lists">List page</a>.</p><!-- cut here --> <h2 id="harder-stuff">Harder stuff</h2> <p>Some packages are harder to use, I'll go into details in the following paragraphs.</p> <h3 id="using-sched-ext-schedulers">Using sched-ext schedulers</h3> <p> From version 6.12 onwards, sched-ext support is officially available on the upstream kernel. You can use the latest kernel (<code>pkgs.linuxPackages_latest</code>) or our provided CachyOS kernel (<code>pkgs.linuxPackages_cachyos</code>). </p> <p>Just add this to your configuration:</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_cachyos; services.scx.enable = true; # by default uses scx_rustland scheduler } </code></pre> <p> Then, reboot with the new configuration, check if the scheduler is running: </p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ systemctl status scx.service </code></pre> <p> If this is not working, check if the current kernel support <code>sched-ext</code> feature. </p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ ls /sys/kernel/sched_ext/ enable_seq hotplug_seq nr_rejected root state switch_all </code></pre> <p> You can also manually start a scheduler like: </p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ sudo scx_rusty 21:38:53 [INFO] CPUs: online/possible = 24/32 21:38:53 [INFO] DOM[00] cpumask 00000000FF03F03F (20 cpus) 21:38:53 [INFO] DOM[01] cpumask 0000000000FC0FC0 (12 cpus) 21:38:53 [INFO] Rusty Scheduler Attached </code></pre> <p>You can choose a different scheduler too.</p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { services.scx.scheduler = "scx_rusty"; } </code></pre> <p> We also provide a git version of scx to stay up to date on the latest features. </p> <pre lang="nix"><code class="language-nix"> { services.scx.package = pkgs.scx_git.full; } </code></pre> <p>There are other scx_* binaries for you to play with, or head to <a href="https://github.com/sched-ext/scx" target="_blank">github.com/sched-ext/scx</a> for instructions on how to write one of your own.</p> <h2 id="notes">Notes</h2> <h3>Our branches</h3> <p>:godmode: Our <code>nyxpkgs-unstable</code> branch is the one that's always cached.</p> <p>:shipit: The <code>main</code> branch is the primary target for contribution.</p> <h3>Contributions</h3> <p>We do accept third-party authored PRs.</p> <h3>Upstream to nixpkgs</h3> <p>If you are interested in pushing any of these packages to the upstream nixpkgs, you have our blessing.</p> <p>If one of our contributors is mentioned in the deveriation's mantainers list (in this repository) please keep it when pushing to nixpkgs. But, please, tag us on the PR so we can participate in the reviewing.</p> <h3>Forks and partial code-taking</h3> <p>You are free to use our code, or portions of our code, following the MIT license restrictions.</p> <h3>Suggestions</h3> <p>If you have any suggestion to enhance our packages, modules, or even the CI's codes, let us know through the GitHub repo's issues.</p> <h3>Building over the user's pkgs</h3> <p>For cache reasons, Chaotic-Nyx now defaults to always use nixpkgs as provider of its dependencies.</p> <p>If you need to change this behavior, set <code>chaotic.nyx.onTopOf = "user-pkgs";</code>. Be warned that you mostly won't be able to benefit from our binary cache after this change.</p> <p>You can also disable our overlay entirely by configuring <code>chaotic.nyx.overlay.enable = false;</code>.</p> <h3>CachyOS kernels</h3> <p>Even though we provide <code>linuxPackages_cachyos-lto</code>, we don't maintain the kernel modules in it. Nixpkgs, where the derivations originate from, doesn't provide kernels built with Clang. Consequentially, adding later support for all the kernel modules available in Nixpkgs wouldn't be easy. Presently, <code>xone</code> is the only one guaranteed to work, and <strong>ZFS is known to not work</strong>.</p> <p>Other variations of <code>linuxPackages_cachyos</code> works without any issues. But, we don't build the ones in <code>linuxPackages_cachyos-rc</code>, they should work, but don't expect cache for them.</p> <h2 id="why-am-i-building-a-kernel-basic-cache-troubleshooting">Why am I building a kernel? Basic cache troubleshooting</h2> <p>For starters, suppose you're using our <code>linuxPackages_cachyos</code> as the kernel and an up-to-date flake lock. Check if all these three hashes prompt the same:</p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ nix eval 'github:chaotic-cx/nyx/nyxpkgs-unstable#linuxPackages_cachyos.kernel.outPath' "/nix/store/441qhriiz5fa4l3xvvjw3h4bps7xfk08-linux-6.8.7" ╰─λ nix eval 'chaotic#linuxPackages_cachyos.kernel.outPath' "/nix/store/441qhriiz5fa4l3xvvjw3h4bps7xfk08-linux-6.8.7" ╰─λ nix eval '/etc/nixos#nixosConfigurations.{{HOSTNAME}}.config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel.outPath' "/nix/store/441qhriiz5fa4l3xvvjw3h4bps7xfk08-linux-6.8.7" </code></pre> <p>If the second is different from the first, you're probably adding a <code>inputs.nixpkgs.follows</code> to <code>chaotic</code>, simply remove it.</p> <p>If the third is different from the first, you're most likely using an overlay that's changing the kernel or one of its dependencies; check your <code>nixpkgs.overlays</code> config.</p> <hr width="50%" /> <p>If they all match, and you're still rebuilding the kernel, copy the hash from the result above, then change it in the following <code>curl</code> command:</p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ curl -L 'https://chaotic-nyx.cachix.org/441qhriiz5fa4l3xvvjw3h4bps7xfk08.narinfo' StorePath: /nix/store/441qhriiz5fa4l3xvvjw3h4bps7xfk08-linux-6.8.7 URL: nar/e5ccded34e4608448c49d3e9fdc92441cd564ae629a4b93fd3f8a334bca7c71d.nar.zst Compression: zstd FileHash: sha256:e5ccded34e4608448c49d3e9fdc92441cd564ae629a4b93fd3f8a334bca7c71d FileSize: 172226528 NarHash: sha256:1v410bnc3qazxscwxvm80c40i0fxzp0amvp93y0y4x3kikdwz035 NarSize: 184989384 References: Deriver: snb6mg44fflzp3vm5fh4ybxa5j4nlfa5-linux-6.8.7.drv Sig: chaotic-nyx.cachix.org-1:L0D5GiJf/VEc1brcqYSB+vzYDDV6ZoDP59b+0mrX3bm2b5bbvtH3xOR4XEXy7QILYoIx2Pd64qWN+6okOMQZCA== </code></pre> <p>If the command above fails without an 404, then you have an issue with your internet connection. If it fails with 404, then tag <code>pedrohlc</code> (Matrix, Telegram or GitHub), he really broke the cache.</p> <p>If the command succeeds, and you're still building the cache, it can happen because of two things: (1) you might have tried to fetch said package before we deployed, then Nix will cache the 404 and won't try again; (2) you might have a misconfigured <code>/etc/nix/nix.conf</code> or outdated nix-daemon.</p> <p>For the second one, check if it looks like this (the word “chaotic” should appear three times):</p> <pre lang="text"><code class="language-text"> ╰─λ grep chaotic /etc/nix/nix.conf substituters = https://nix-community.cachix.org/ https://chaotic-nyx.cachix.org/ https://cache.nixos.org/ trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= nix-community.cachix.org-1:mB9FSh9qf2dCimDSUo8Zy7bkq5CX+/rkCWyvRCYg3Fs= chaotic-nyx.cachix.org-1:HfnXSw4pj95iI/n17rIDy40agHj12WfF+Gqk6SonIT8 </code></pre> <p>An outdated nix-daemon can happen when you change nix settings, then nixos-rebuilt your system, but you didn't restart the nix-daemon service. The easiest way to fix it is to reboot.</p>