


I was developing jsleak during most of my free time for my own need.It is easy-to-use command-line tool designed to uncover secrets and links in JavaScript files or source code. The jsleak was inspired by Linkfinder and regexes are collected from multiple sources.



If you are using old version of golang (go 1.15, 1.16) , use the following command to install jsleak.

go get github.com/channyein1337/jsleak

If you are using latest version of go (1.17+) , use the following command to install.

go install github.com/channyein1337/jsleak@latest


To display help message

jsleak -h

Secret Finder

echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | jsleak -s

Link Finder

echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | jsleak -l

Complete Url

echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | jsleak -e

Check Status

echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | jsleak -c 20 -k

You can also use multiple flags

echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | jsleak -c 20 -l -s 

Running with Urls

cat urls.txt | jsleak -l -s -c 30

To Do

Credit and thanks to all the following resources