


What is this?

Wide is a participatory IDE framework which uses WPF and Prism to build IDE-like applications (eg: Visual Studio 2012/2013, Eclipse etc.)


What does it do?

Wide allows you to build your application by creating PRISM modules which participate in building the IDE. This way you can modularize the code for each part of your application.

Wide comes with 2 shells - MetroWindow and Window. The screenshot above is a MetroWindow. The one given below is a regular window.


Modules in this case are PRISM modules. (Note: You do NOT need to know PRISM to understand/use the framework). Check out the demo for more details.

For full details, look at the demo program.

How is Wide organized and how to use it?

###Other things

Libraries used

It is built using variety of open source projects:

In this process of building Wide, I was able to look at various open source projects, learn and most importantly contribute back to the project.

What projects use Wide?

I am planning on using Wide for my own projects:

Plans ahead


Some open source projects had certain parts built nicely of which a few were used in my project:


If you are venturing into serious IDE related development, I would suggest you look at VSX (Visual Studio extensibility). You can create your own isolated shell of Visual studio and create an IDE. This project was done to understand/explore WPF in general and how much I understand the tools given above.

If you have any questions or find bugs, feel free to contact me.