Output ANSI terminal colors in Common Lisp. See termcolor.lisp for
available colors (grep defcolor termcolor.lisp
Load termcolor.lisp:
(load (compile-file "termcolor"))
Change the foreground color:
(termcolor:fg :red)
Change the background color:
(termcolor:bg :cyan)
Change the style:
(termcolor:style :bright)
Change multiple things in one go:
(termcolor:color :fg :red :bg :black :style :dim)
Reset things:
(termcolor:fg :reset)
(termcolor:bg :reset)
(termcolor:style :reset)
Reset everything:
By default, the escape sequences are written to standard output. To write to a different stream, use the STREAM keyword arg:
(termcolor:fg :red :stream s)
To not write to any stream, and just return the escape sequence as a string, use the PRINT arg:
(termcolor:fg :red :print nil)