

Latent Composition

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<img src='img/teaser.gif' width=300>

Using latent space regression to analyze and leverage compositionality in GANs.
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021
Lucy Chai, Jonas Wulff, Phillip Isola


Table of Contents:<br>

  1. Colab - run it in your browser without installing anything locally<br>
  2. Setup - download pretrained models and resources
  3. Pretrained Models - quickstart with pretrained models<br>
  4. Notebooks - jupyter notebooks for interactive composition<br>
  5. Training - pipeline for training encoders<br>
<a name="colab"/>


  1. Interactive Masking Demo: Demonstrates using a masked encoder to investigate image priors in GANs.
  2. Interactive Composition Demo: Interface to compose multiple images using masked encoder.
  3. Finetune and Edit: For real images, finetune the encoder towards a specific image for better reconstruction. Further composition can be done in real time.
<a name="setup"/>


git clone https://github.com/chail/latent-composition.git
conda env create -f environment.yml
bash resources/download_resources.sh
<a name="pretrained"/>

Quickstart with pretrained models

Pretrained models will be automatically downloaded via PyTorch Hub. The above resources should also be downloaded via the download script for automatic collaging.

See the following code snippet for a basic example. An notebook format is provided in notebooks/quickstart.ipynb

from networks import networks
from utils import masking

nets = networks.define_nets('proggan', 'celebahq')
# proggan: celebahq, livingroom, church
# stylegan: ffhq, church, car, horse

with torch.no_grad():
    im = nets.seed2image(1,seed=10)
    hints, mask = masking.mask_upsample(im)
    rec = nets.invert(hints, mask=mask)
<a name="notebooks"/>


Important: First, setup symlinks required for notebooks: bash notebooks/setup_notebooks.sh, and add the conda environment to jupyter kernels: python -m ipykernel install --user --name latent-composition.

We provide a few interactive examples:

  1. notebooks/quickstart.ipynb: basic usage example
  2. notebooks/interactive-masking.ipynb: investigate GAN priors from incomplete images
  3. notebooks/interactive-composition.ipynb: compose multiple images
  4. notebooks/finetune-and-edit.ipynb: finetune the model on a real image, and then compose in real-time
<a name="training"/>


The following commands are examples of training a masked encoder on the church domain:

# proggan encoder
python -m training.train_pgan_encoder \
        --netE_type resnet-18 --niter 5000 --lr 0.0001 --batchSize 16 \
        --netG church --masked --outf <output_directory>
# stylegan encoder
python -m training.train_sgan_encoder \
        --netE_type resnet-34 --niter 6800  --lr 0.0001 --batchSize 16 \
        --netG church --masked --outf <output_directory>

Example commands for additional GAN domains are contained in:


Training progress can be visualized using:

tensorboard --logdir training/runs/


Example commands for scripted experiment utilities are located in the experiments/ directory. Below is a short description of each script.

  1. experiments/sample.sh: sample and save images from the specified generator
  2. experiments/reencode.sh: sample, encode, and regenerate images from the specified generator
  3. experiments/run_compositions.sh: automate collage inputs using a pretrained segmenter, and invert using the encoder
  4. experiments/metric_fid.sh: computing FID metrics
  5. experiments/metric_prdc.sh: precision, recall, density, coverage metrics
  6. experiments/metric_distance.sh: reconstruction distances on composite images


We thank the authors of these repositories:

<a name="citation"/>


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Using latent space regression to analyze and leverage compositionality in GANs},
  author={Chai, Lucy and Wulff, Jonas and Isola, Phillip},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},