

Will People like Your Image?

TensorFlow implementation of estimating image aesthetics

Will people like your image<br> Katharina Schwarz Patrick Wieschollek, Hendrik P.A. Lensch<br> WACV 2018

<p align="center"> <img src="./teaser.jpg" width="100%"> </p>


The original model was trained on an out-dated TensorFlow training interface. Here, we provide a multi-GPU training script based on TensorPack. For more details, see the training directory.

Video Spotting

We provide an example to do video spotting. The steps are:

user@host $ VIDEO=original.mp4
user@host $ avconv -i original.mp4 -s 256x256 -strict -2 echo ${VIDEO%.mp4}-small.mp4  # resize the video to match the network input
user@host $ python apply.py --mp4 ${VIDEO%.mp4}-small.mp4 # apply our neural network
user@host $ python gui.py # use the GUI to display the video and the scores

Click Load Video and select the original high-res video.

Training Data

The file arod/list.txt provides the url to images used during training. The format is url;faves;views.