


Music .MOD-file Player for the Noisebridge Flaschen Taschen Project.

By Carl Gorringe

Butterfly Flew Away 5MoF Talk

See more programs that I wrote for the Flaschen Taschen at ft-demos.

How to Install

These instructions assume you're running a Mac or Linux OS. No effort has been made to test it on Windows.

This project uses the C++ framework provided by the flaschen-taschen project. Since it's being used as a sub-module, you'll want to clone this repo with the --recursive option:

  git clone --recursive https://github.com/cgorringe/ft-mod

Install Dependencies


brew install pkg-config
brew install portaudio
brew install zlib

Install libopenmpt:

Extract the archive, then from its directory:

make clean
make check
sudo make install SHARED_SONAME=0


(not tested)

apt-get install zlib portaudio libopenmpt-dev

May need to substitute above with portaudio-v19 ?

Other possible dependencies: gcc, pkg-config, libmpg123, doxygen, libpulse, libpulse-simple, libFLAC, libsndfile, libSDL

Running ft-mod

This program isn't finished yet.

Alternative ft-openmpt

I couldn't get ft-mod to play audio on my Mac, so I decided to try an alternative approach and modified the source code to the openmpt123 player instead.

Steps to Install:
  1. First follow the MacOS X directions above to install libopenmpt and place the source code into the ft-mod/libs/ directory (which you may need to create). It should look like ft-mod/libs/libopenmpt-... but you can rename its directory however you like under libs (which is in .gitignore so ignored by git.) I will refer to this directory as $libopenmpt$.

  2. Go into the $libopenmpt$ directory, and rm Makefile, then create a link to its alternate: ln -s ../../ft-openmpt/Makefile .

  3. Under $libopenmpt$'s openmpt123 directory: rm openmpt123.cpp, then create this link: ln -s ../../../ft-openmpt/openmpt123/openmpt123.cpp .

  4. Create one more link in $libopenmpt$: ln -s ../../ft .

  5. You may now build the player by running make from $libopenmpt$.

  6. (Linux only) Run: sudo ldconfig

To play a MOD file on the Flaschen-Taschen or local server:

From $libopenmpt$:

export FT_DISPLAY=ft.noise or localhost
./bin/openmpt123 [MOD_FILES]...

To shuffle playlist and restart when finished...

./bin/openmpt123 --randomize --restart [MOD_FILES]...

While playing, press q to quit. m to play next song in playlist. You can use wildcards or list multiple files to create a playlist. Spacebar pauses song.