

Vulkan Launchpad Starter :rocket:

Starter template for a project based on Vulkan Launchpad


Setup Instructions

Note: These setup instructions are an extended edition of Vulkan Launchpad's.

Vulkan Launchpad runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. For building you'll need Git, the Vulkan SDK, a C++ compiler, CMake, and optimally an integrated development environment (IDE). In the following, we describe setup instructions for common operating systems and editors/IDEs (click the links in the table of contents to jump to the sections that are relevant to your chosen setup):

Operating Systems




Requirements: C++ Compiler, Git, CMake, Vulkan SDK, X.Org and Vulkan compatible driver.

In case you want to use Ninja or other development tools please install them separately. The instructions below are the minimum dependencies to build Vulkan Launchpad.

Ubuntu and Linux Mint

# Jammy Jellyfish (Ubuntu 22.04/22.10 and Linux Mint 21.0/21.1)
# Add LunarG public key
wget -qO- https://packages.lunarg.com/lunarg-signing-key-pub.asc | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lunarg.asc
# Add Vulkan package
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-jammy.list http://packages.lunarg.com/vulkan/lunarg-vulkan-jammy.list
# Focal Fossa (Ubuntu 20.04/20.10 and Linux Mint 20.0/20.1/20.2/20.3)
# Add LunarG public key
wget -qO - http://packages.lunarg.com/lunarg-signing-key-pub.asc | sudo apt-key add -
# Add Vulkan package
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-focal.list http://packages.lunarg.com/vulkan/lunarg-vulkan-focal.list

# Update package manager
sudo apt update
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install git cmake build-essential xorg-dev libvulkan-dev vulkan-headers vulkan-validationlayers

Fedora Workstation

sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ libXinerama-devel vulkan-loader-devel vulkan-headers vulkan-validation-layers-devel
sudo dnf -y groupinstall "X Software Development"


sudo pacman -Sy cmake base-devel vulkan-validation-layers

Editors and IDEs

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Note: Vulkan Launchpad Starter comes with a .vscode/settings.json file which configures the current working directory to be the workspace root folder, which can be especially helpful when loading files from paths relative to the workspace root (like shader files). Furthermore, configures an external console window to be shown, which might allow to focus better on messages printed to the console.

Visual Studio 2022 Community


Other IDEs

Other IDEs (such as CLion or Qt Creator) are usable too as long as they support CMake. Please consider the following remarks for the setup process:


Submodule Updates Take a Long Time

In case you experience problems concerning the submodule checkout, i.e. the cloning of the submodules (GLFW, GLM or glslang) takes a long time or seems to be stuck, please try the following approach:

On macOS: CMake cannot find C/CXX compiler

In case you had an existing XCode Command Line Tools installation, this error may occur during cmake generation. You can try: bash xcode-select --reset

On macOS: CMake cannot find Vulkan

This may be the case, if you forgot to select System Global Installation during the Vulkan SDK installation, leading to errors during cmake generation, as the location of the Vulkan libraries cannot be found. You can install it retroactively by executing the MaintenanceTool.app in the VulkanSDK folder and selecting System Global Installation as a component to add.


Vulkan Launchpad Starter represents a project setup for an executable that links the Vulkan Launchpad framework. Therefore, all of Vulkan Launchpad's functionality is provided here. Please have a look at Vulkan Launchpad's Documentation to get an overview of its functionality!

Vulkan Launchpad Starter adds the following functionality:

Vulkan Helpers:

Teapot Functionality: